TULIPS  BULBS -  Dark  Purple  SAIGON   10x  BULBS


TULIPS are very Hardy and Easy to Grow Bulbs, 
with elegant blooms with contrasting colours,

their vibrant colours that make such eye-catching displays in raised beds.

Plant Tulips with companion Daffodils, Freesia  and  Hyacinths Bulbs!
To create wonderful contrasts, adding height and glamour to your garden

Daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and freesias are only a few of the large range of Spring bulbs.
 Which can be planted effectively together with perennials

Planting Time:  From Autumn to Spring
Planting :  Plant bulbs 10 / 12 cm apart and 10cm deep in well drained soil or in pots.
For best effect plant them in clumps.
Watering/ Fertilizing:  Keep moist during dry spells. Use a complete 
fertilizer or organic manure dug well into the soil prior to planting.
Position Requirements:  Full sun sami shade. They can be grown in any climate. 
Lifting Time:  Lifting the bulbs from ground isn’t necessary at all. They simply just keep multiplying.
 However if you want to lift the bulbs, wait until the foliage has completely died down.
Store them in a dry and airy place, until it is time to plant them next year.
Pest and Diseases:  Generally trouble free.
Handy Hints:  For best effect plant in clumps with other spring bulbs to create mass
colour display in garden beds. 



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