Raw Black Seeds 100% Pure Nigella Sativa Kalonji Cumin Herb Spice Fresh Grounded Powder

Weight: 2 Lbs = 32 oz = 907gr  EXP: 09/2025

Organic NIGELLA SATIVA Seeds POWDER - AKA Black Cumin, Kalonji, Black Seed

Black seed powder can be stirred into hot water for a tea, can be sprinkled on any food you desire, added to yogurt, bread dough or even to hair or skin products. There are also many recipes that you can google.

This Seed Also Known As: Black Seeds, Black Caraway Seeds, Black Sesame Seeds, Black Cumin Seeds, Kalonji. Different Countries Call it Different Names.

Also known as Egyptian Black Cumin.

Premium black seed is a valuable source of efa's 3/6/9's and also contains two very powerful phytochemicals nigellone and thymoquinone along with other nutrients that work synergistically to support the body's various functions.

Fresh and highest quality NON-GMO and organically sourced Nigella Sativa seeds.

Has a spicy and pungent flavor.

Also great to used for hair, skin and nails!! Super Health and Beauty Treat!!

Nigella Sativa is an annual flowering plant native to India, Egypt, the Middle East and some of South West Asia. Pale blue and white in colour, the fruit inside contains the seeds which are used for cooking.

The name nigella is derivative of the latin “niger” meaning black and sativa from the latin term meaning “sown” or “cultivated”. Bitter and pungent in taste, black seeds are often used in naan dishes and middle eastern cuisine.

In Ayurveda nigella sativa was used to help aid digestion and right up to now it is given to women post natal to help with lactation.

The history of nigella sativa dates as far back as ancient Egypt, some 3000 years ago. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Also known as the “blessed seed”, black seed oil was in fact found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh king Tutankhamun.

Moreover, the prophet Mohammed described it as “a cure for all diseases except death”.Alternative names for nigella sativa include kalonji, black cumin, roman coriander, fennel flower and black caraway.

Chemically, nigella sativa contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), thymoquinone, nigellone, melanthin, nigelline, damasscenine, and trans- anethole.

Almost all of its fat content is in the form of omega 3(Linoleic) and 6(Oleic) fatty acids – which are very important for overall health and the immune system. High in minerals, nigella seeds also contain calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.

In recent research, studies have shown that black seeds have had many healing properties and are used to help with respiratory problems, skin infections, digestive problems, hair growth, brain functions and nerve functions.

Some of the specific health conditions that black seeds have been proven to biologically improve include MRSA, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, epilepsy, colon cancer, and helicobacter pylori infection.

Furthermore, nigella sativa has proven to be anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, anti viral, anti HIV, anti diabetic, liver protecting, and also a broncodialator!

Recent studies have shown that nigella sativa has had enormous capabilities on tumour cell death, and it has been shown to be effective against numerous cancers including colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, and brain cancers.

The nigella sativa cancer protocol is 3 teaspoons of seeds mixed with half a teaspoon of raw (manuka) honey, three times a day – before breakfast, in the afternoon and before bed. Simple yet effective!

A great way of taking nigella sativa is orally. I usually have one spoon of black seeds with a drop of oil of oregano in the morning. I have seen a big improvement with my concentration and digestion since taking it.

One teaspoon two times per day can have so many benefits on your immune system. This is remarkable, and is a common occurrence among traditional plant medicines hence why they are so important for healing!

Enjoy this beautiful gift from mother nature!