Timeless Stitches TSB-121 "TUCKED BODY". This is a new, unused pattern in the original factory fold. 

The pattern is available in two multiple size ranges.

Misses: Petite (30" bust), Small (34"bust), Medium (38" bust) and Large (42" bust).  

Queen:   X-Large (48" bust). XX-Large (52" bust) and XXX-large (56" bust).

From the pattern:  "A must have for every wardrobe!  Every lady had her Bodies or as we know them today, blouses.  Plain white ones were worn under Zouave jackets, Swiss bodies and vests.  Fancy, lace trimmed ones were worn with pretty skirts.  Almost every issue of Godey's Ladies Magazine had a new style of body.  Many were elaborately trimmed and hand stitched allowing the wearer to show off her needlework skills.  This pattern is for a body that tucks into the skirt.  The pattern can be made plain or with the addition of laces, trims and/or pin tucking can be worn as a bodice.  The unique design of the pattern allows for elaborate trim work without the worry of how it is affecting the size of the pattern.  The pattern includes three neckline and collar choices as well as tow cuff options.  Bodies are a very economical and easy way of extending your wardrobe, and wonderful to wear on those hot summer days.  When done in red this is the perfect pattern for the Garibaldi style blouse."  

The pattern calls for:  3- 3 1/2 yards of 45" fabric,  optional trims of your choice, 1 yard 1/8" cotton cording or purchased piping, 12 small buttons.

I am happy to combine shipping on multiple items.

Thanks for looking and Happy eBaying!