A Luchea's Psychic World Best Seller!!

You get a 14 day candle service performed on your behalf for ANY desire...Love, Success, Money, Jinx/Hex Reversals, Revenge, Health and more. For 2 weeks a candle service will be done for you nightly and in your honor. The candles prepared for your spell are always dressed with the finest oils & herbs, special spirit seals are used to bring in the energy required to make this candle service strong. 

Please send us a message with a photo of yourself, name, birth date and what type of ritual you want. If it involves someone, please send photo, name and date of birth for that person(s). We will message you several pictures of your candles to see how they are burning. At the end of the 14 Day candle ritual, we will mail you a customized conjure bag and bottle of our anointing oil prepared and personalized for you to carry and wear with you to help your need.