Main Description

Sunmaster 600w Dual Spectrum Bulb

TheSunmaster 600W dual spectrumHPS grow lamp puts out both red spectrum and enough blue spectrum light to be used as a sole light source throughout all stages of growing. This eliminates the need to buy separate metal halide and HPS bulbs for the vegetative and flowering / fruiting stages of plant growth.

Dual spectrum lamps are increasingly becoming a number one choice for growers as more and more are discovering these bulbs do a great job throughout all stages of plant growth. In fact, we supply most of our grow light systems with dual spectrum bulbs, and so far feedback from our customers has been nothing but positive.

Sunmaster grow lights in particular are specifically tailored for the horticultural market and are some of the best lamps around for growing purposes. Their range of dual spectrum bulbs are an economic and easy to use solution for growers. This Sunmaster 600W dual spectrum features:

  • Output of 90,000 lumens
  • Great photosyntentically active radiation (PAR) range
  • Suitable for veg and flower stages

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