We do NOT Accept returns. We do offer various sizes from 10g to 50g of dye. if new please purchase the small amount to be sure this product works for you. We will work with you if you have issues but we can not accept returns. Due to these being for cosmetics we can not accept returns due to hygienic and safety reasons. 

This is for 50g Eazy Colours F,D,& C Apple Green  (INCI Blue 1, Yellow 5)

Note- apple green looks like an orange dry in the packet. 

Apple Green is a nice granny Smith Yellow green color compared to Emerald, which is more of a true green that can look somewhat mint green when used at low concentrations. (Apple show in front of Emerald in photo)

It  is a super concentrated water soluble dye for Soap and Bath Bomb making.

These are Batch certified and come sealed straight from the manufacturer, so you can legally sell products made with these packets. 

This is a very powerful dyes. Only 1/8 tsp or less is needed for a typical batch of Bath bombs. Start with less and build up. 
They easily tint tub water to beautiful shades without leaving a ring or needing poly 80. 
They do not stain tubs or skin when used properly. 

Learn how to "bloom dyes" in baking soda by spritzing it with water then allowing to dry before making bath bombs. 

Note dyes will bleed when used in M&P and will Morph to a purple if used in CP soap. 

Returns are NOT accepted!