4 x Pistons (pins, circlips)
4 x Piston Ring Set
4 x Piston Pin Bushing
1 x Connecting Rod Bearing Set
1 x Main Bearing Set
1 x Thrust Bearing Set
1 x Full Gasket kit (upper & lower - head gasket, oil seals, stem seals, manifolds, o-rings, all you need)
Liners available.
Photos used as reference only.
There are variations to this model, please confirm before purchasing. Msg us for any assistance, happy to help.STD shipped unless o/s specified. 

 ***OEM QUALITY Aftermarket Parts*** 
High quality doesn't mean high prices.
Check out our ebay store

1. All parts will be expressed by air.  
2. Listed price does not include import duties you may face in your country.
3. General express worldwide is 8-14 business days which includes handling time and your local delivery schedule. Extended locations (islands/rural areas), shipping may take a week longer due to lack of readily available logistical methods.
4. 12 Month Warranty factory damaged parts.