***I need your target's full name and DOB-month/day/year(on ID/Passport) to cast this spell!

Welcome to EricPsychic!

- I don't take responsibility for wrong information like name, DOB you gave me. So I won't refund or recast for this case.

Please note, I don't serve spell/reading for people under 18!
This is spell cast service, so what you will receive are pictures of process ritual.

- I need target full name and DOB, what they did to you for the ritual

You will reap what you have sown
But how long they will get their bad karma?
With this ritual, I will boost up the speed of karma, so your target will get their bad karma in within 30 days. If they hurt your feeling, they will be hurt the same. If they hurt your finance, they will get lost the same. This is the boost up bad karma ritual so it won't leave any damage to you.

- Spell will last for 30 days

This listing is offered for entertainment purposes only and I must state this in order to follow Ebay guidelines.