Do Not Feed This Dog

Pet Alert Tags


You are buying a customized, laser engraved tag.  50% of auction profits will be donated to a non-profit organization dedicated to pets with digestive disorders.

1 What Tag Style? This auction is for standard Military Dog Tag style only.  See our other auctions for other styles.
2 What to engrave on the front? The front will be engraved as shown in the photo below.
3 What to engrave on the back? There's room on the back for up to 8 lines of 15 letters each*.  We will adjust sizes, so less words and letters will be engraved larger. 
4 What Color?

COLORS (as they appear in the photo above from left-to-right, top-down):
Red, Blue, Purple, Green,  Orange, Black
If not specified, we will choose the color

5 How to attach? Tags have a hole in them.  You will receive a split ring connector to attach the tag to the pet's collar or harness.

Click to see these other auctions

þ EPI Disorder Auctions

þ Do Not Feed This Dog Auctions


About the tags

Tags are about 1.125" x 2" - the standard size of military Dog Tags.  They are made out of anodized aluminum, so they will not irritate the skin nor will body oils affect the tags.  The laser engraving will appear white on the tag.  Under normal conditions, the engraving should last for many years.  The tags can withstand temperature extremes and can get wet.  Only physical abrasion will affect the quality of the engraving.

*Number of lines and letters is an approximation.  We can adjust, within reason, to meet your requirements.

When checking out, use the ADD NOTE section
(or separate message to 
us - see last auction photo for address) to tell us
what to engrave on the back of the tag and
the tag color you want.

Up to 8 lines of 15 characters