**Cannot ship Exhaust's/Fuel Controller's/Intake system's or anything emissions related to California**


Genuine Dynojet Performance Products:

Dynojet Research, Inc. is the world leader in the development and manufacturing of performance enhancement products and tools. Their fuel management and diagnostic products, coupled with their personalized services, give you the resources to maximize performance and increase efficiency.

Product Details:

  • Sale includes (1) jet kit for your specific application and will cover both single and mult-carb applications.
  • Maximize performance and increase horsepower!
  • Easy comprehensive instructions with step-by-step installation and is backed up by free telephone and Internet support to Dyno Jet customers.
  • Highly recommended when upgrading exhaust and/or intake to properly tune engine.

About Us:

LeClare Powersports is a small-town Parts and Accessories store in Springfield, MO. Our low overhead allows us to offer better prices than the 'Big Boys', but our owner-operated store allows us to give our customers the great customer service they deserve.

We only sell brand new, high quality GENUINE name-brand aftermarket parts...no junk, no knock offs and no "seconds". Buy with confidence!