***I need your full name and DOB-month/day/year(on ID/Passport) to cast this spell!

Welcome to EricPsychic!

- I don't take responsibility for wrong information like name, DOB you gave me. So I won't refund or recast for this case.

Please note, I don't serve spell/reading for people under 18!
This is spell cast service, so what you will receive are pictures of process ritual.

***I need your full name and DOB-month/day/year for the spell.

For every bad actions, you will leave karma behind, and they will come to haunt you in future. Depend on how serious your actions are, you will reap the same thing in future. No one can escape Karma, it's the universal balance. This spell will create supportive energy for helping you to fix your bad actions in the past, the spell will bring events in certain time to ask you to join, the more you help with supportive manner, the less bad karma you will get in future.

- Spell will last for 30 days

This listing is offered for entertainment purposes only and I must state this in order to follow Ebay guidelines.