Coffee has been used for centuries as a natural cellulite fighting and skin firming ingredient.

The caffeine enhances fat metabolism, and when it’s applied topically, it can absorb and remove liquid fat from your skin, which decreases the appearance of cellulite.

Coconut oil is a fantastic natural moisturising lotion. It is anti-ageing, acne fighting and will not clog your pores. 

Together, the coconut oil, coffee grinds and sugar make an amazing all-natural firming and skin softening scrub. 

Cinnamon helps to clear your skin of any bacteria.

FULL INGREDIENT LIST: coffee, sugar, organic coconut oil, cinnamon, vitamin e

Use in shower or bath 1-2 times a week

No silicones. No sulfates. No Parabens. No GMOS

200 g

I will post it in a seal bag to save you from postage fees. 

D.O.M: next day after the purchase. Use by 3 months just ensure that no water gets in contact with it.