Kindle Paperwhite E-reader - Black, 6" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi) with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers



Product Details (From Manufacturer)

6" antiglare touch-screen display

Carta ePaper display with 16-level grayscale and 300 ppi resolution for reading books and other digital content with minimal eyestrain. Optimized font technology delivers laser-quality text for easy viewing.

4GB internal memory

Plenty of space for your digital library with room for more than 1,000 books.

High-speed USB port

For simple connection to your computer with fast data transfers.

Wi-Fi enabled

Browse and buy new books and magazines wirelessly.

Kindle store

Offers millions of books, newspapers and magazines, plus hundreds of thousands of Kindle-exclusive titles.

Weighs 7.2 oz. and measures just 0.36" thin

For easy portability in your backpack or purse.

Long-lasting battery

Lets you read for hours without charging.

Built-in adjustable light

Makes it simple to read at night.