From the track wheel pattern you can definitely see that this was a German Panzer III tank.  You can also clearly see a fire coming from out of the top of the tank on the back of the turret .  There are soldiers with fire extinguishers attempting to put out the fire.  One is on top of the tanks and two are on the side.  Several soldiers are off to the left and one looks shaken, may have burns on his face but it is hard to tell because there is smoke towards the front and this area,  Fire extinguishers appear to be lying all around on the ground and the tank, and you can see a white liquid coming down the side of the front of the turret which I presume to be from these.  The street is cobblestone with an uneven tile roof so you may be able to identify the approximate area from the architecture but I am not sure.  Panzers were known to be weaker in the rear so this is possibly an allied hit.  A very rare, one of a kind photo.
