Brand new, never filled or used, larger 16 dram 2 ounce size OPAQUE BLACK completely private medicine pill vials complete with child-resistant caps, package of 25 sets. These are the exact same items we sell to professional Pharmacies, Physician's practices, Laboratories, Cannabis sellers, Veterinary practices, Research centers, etc.  Useful for thousands of things around the house from storing coins, hair pins, q-tips, jewelry, specimens, nuts and bolts, screws, pins, and the list goes on forever. This is our business and not a side-line, and we sell millions of high quality medical bottles to users around the world. We ship every day of the week and within the same day or the next day always. Shipping to all US points is a flat $4.95.  Each additional 25 pack add $2.50. We do have all quantities available so contact us with questions or your needs. We also ship internationally.  15 years as an EBAY seller assures you that you will receive exactly what we picture and you will receive it as quickly as the postal service will deliver it.