Sports Wraparound Sunglasses


Eyelevel Marathon Sports sunglasses feature Black Mirrored Reflective lenses and a White Lightweight Frame that reduce infra red rays and enhance vision maintaining high levels of visiblity


A Stylish Coloured Wrap Sports Frame for a COMPLETE and COMFORTABLE look and fit

With a Temple Width of 135 m/m

Approx Sizes

Lens Height :   45 m/m
Lens Width :    55 m/m
 Sun Protection is
with UV400 UV light protection

Conforms to European standard,,EN ISO 1836:2005 and American standard,, ANZI Z80.3.2001

They come complete with a drawstring bag or as an alternative for just £2 more  a Zip Case for better protection


Please select your preferred option from the above drop down menu above

Clean with soapy water and wipe with soft cloth
Comes with Eyelevel Micro Cleaning Bag

Safety warning
With any sunglasses do NOT view the sun directly

Thank you for looking