I am selling this 24" Dell QHD widescreen monitor because I needed a larger ultra wide monitor for my work. The max resolution is 2560x1440. This monitor is in excellent condition and comes with the power cable, USB cable, DisplayPort cable, and stand. There are no dead pixels, scratches, etc. It works great. Although the monitor also supports VGA and HDMI inputs, those cables are not included in this auction. I only used the monitor with the supplied DisplayPort cable. I paid over $250 for this monitor when new and it is currently selling for $249 on B&H's website, which is where I purchased it from originally. For more information about the monitor, see here... Dimensions are approx. 22.3" x 14.5" x 8.1" Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.http://www.dell.com/ed/business/p/dell-p2416d/pd. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1197315-REG/dell_p2416d_24_widescreen_led.html?ap=y&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIra_gsP3b2wIVC8RkCh3vaAwJEAQYAiABEgIx4fD_BwE&smp=y