Conductive Earthing Pillow Case 30" x 20".

Made from 95% Cotton, 5% Silver.

Soft and comfortable fabric.

INCLUDES: Earthing Pillow Case ,6 ft. grounding cord and Instructions.

Plug fits securely into socket and wont come loose during use.

Earthing refers to the subtle electrical connection of the body with the surface of the earth in instances such as walking barefoot on grass or sand.
At home earthing can be achieved when the skin touches an Earthing Sheet, Mat or Pillow Case when lying or sitting down.

Why is earthing important?
Modern lifestyle has increasingly separated us from the flow of Earth's electrons. For example, we have increasingly worn insulating rubber or plastic soled shoes, instead of the traditional leather fashioned from hides which facilitates the transfer of charge between the earth and our bodies.
Earthing Reduces Electromagnetic Fields ( EMF)  Induced on the Body from exposure to TVs, computers and other electronic devices.