Over 10,000 Vintage Recordings listed!

This is your opportunity to get a copy of Nauck's Vintage Records Fall 2020 Nauction Catalog (#69) delivered right to your doorstep for only $1 postpaid!

Herein you will find 10,000 original recordings from the 1890s to the 1950s including 78 rpm records, 16" radio transcriptions, cylinders of all sizes and types, Edison Diamond Discs, picture records, rare labels and more (as well as printed items such as books and discographies). Genres include jazz, country, blues, opera, ethnic, classical, personality, spoken word, comedy, kiddie records, advertising and promo discs, etc.

These catalogs may be collected in their own right for research and discographical purposes. Note that the catalog you are ordering in this eBay listing will be be released in March, 2020. You should expect to receive your copy towards the middle of that month. The pictures shown here are meant to provide an example of what our catalogs look like. The catalog you will receive will be the same, only with different records.

If you would prefer to receive an old catalog (simply for informational purposes), please let me know.

Note that we DO ship to foreign destinations.

Also note that this offer is good only for persons who have not received catalogs from us in the past. Thanks!