
Opuntia albicarpa

This plant bears sweet green fruit, large green pads that are heavily thorny, it's common name is Reina.

We imported these plants from Teotihuacan Mexico near the pyramid of the sun, the farmers who produce prickly pears and cactus pads were nice enough to send us some very nice specimens, we also learned how to prune and grow them; There are several uses, for example production of fruit or pads for consumption, propagation of plants or ornamental gardening as well.

Pruning and shaping these plants can be done in many different ways: you can trim for quality of fruit, pad production, ornamental and aesthetic value or to fit in a specific area of any given landscape.

These plants can grow with little care and prefer poor soil, pesticides and fertilizers are simply not needed, they can live with very little water but if you water them often they will grow much faster and produce more fruit.

Like most paddle cacti they can get clumps of white silk called cochineal and can simply be controlled by spraying a solution of 20% dawn dish soap and 80% water or simply removing them using a paint brush, as they come off you may notice a scarlet dye, that is normal.