
Magyarország - Magyar Királyság

Famous Hungarian Women 

This set was issued on 1st August 1944. Its theme was "Famous Hungarian Women", and the stamps depict:

  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, T.O.S.F. (German: Heilige Elisabeth von Thüringen, Hungarian: Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet, 7 July 1207 – 17 November 1231), also known as Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, was a princess of the Kingdom of Hungary, Landgravine of Thuringia, Germany, and a greatly venerated Catholic saint who was an early member of the Third Order of St. Francis, by which she is honoured as its patroness. Elizabeth was married at the age of 14, and widowed at 20. After her husband's death she sent her children away and regained her dowry, using the money to build a hospital where she herself served the sick. She became a symbol of Christian charity after her death at the age of 24 and was quickly canonised.
  • Saint Margaret, O.P. (January 27, 1242 – January 18, 1271) was a Dominican nun and the daughter of King Béla IV of Hungary and Maria Laskarina. She was the younger sister of St. Kinga of Poland (Kunegunda) and the Blessed Yolanda of Poland and, through her father, the niece of the famed Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. According to the legend, Margaret chastised herself from early childhood, wore an iron girdle, hair shirts and shoes spiked with nails. She later also performed the dirtiest tasks in the monastery.
  • Erzsébet Szilágyi (Hungarian: Szilágyi Erzsébet, c. 1410–1483) was a Hungarian noblewoman, spouse of John Hunyadi and mother of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary.
  • Kanizsai Dorothy (1490-?) Lived in the 15th and 16th century, Nicholas Kanizsai Sopron bailiff's daughter. The circumstances of her birth and death are unknown. After her second husband's death (February 1519) she spent her life in retirement. She was a supporter of the poor and deprived.
  • Zsuzsanna Lorántffy, anglicized as Susanna Lorantffy (1602 in Ónod, Hungary – 1660 in Sárospatak, Hungary) was a Princess consort of Transylvania by marriage to György Rákóczi I, Prince of Transylvania. A passionate Calvinist, she assisted her husband in his successful struggle to introduce Protestant reforms in the Transylvanian church. She founded or sponsored several educational establishments, notably the Reformed College at Sárospatak. Her Protestant religious beliefs compelled her to shun the pampered life of an aristocrat and instead to express her religion through action especially through development of girls' education. While living in Nagyvárad she ensured that girls were taught not only the skills needed to run a home and bring up a family, but also to read, write, and do arithmetic. They were to be versed in the Bible. She sponsored the Várad Bible, a completely new translation (and not a reproduction of the Vizsoly Bible).
  • Countess Ilona Zrínyi (Croatian: Jelena Zrinska, Hungarian: Zrínyi Ilona) (*Ozalj, 1643; †Izmit, 18 February 1703) was one of the last surviving members of the Croatian Zrinski/Zrínyi noble family and one of the greatest heroines of Croatian and Hungarian history. She was the daughter of Petar Zrinski, Ban (viceroy) of Croatia, and the wife of Francis Rákóczi I and Imre Thököly, as well as the mother of Francis Rákóczi II. Ilona Zrínyi is celebrated in Croatia and Hungary as one of the greatest national heroines, patriots and fighters for freedom, who opposed, although unsuccessfully, the autocracy and absolutism aspirations of the Habsburgs. Her even more famous son Francis II Rákóczi continued the struggle for the independence of Hungary (1703–1711). In October 1906 the remains of the Croatian countess were reinterred with her son's in the St. Elisabeth Cathedral in Kassa (today Košice).
Catalogue numbers:

Michel HU 754-759
Stamp Number HU 625-630
Yvert et Tellier HU 657-662
Stanley Gibbons HU 780-785
AFA number HU 713-718

Híres magyar nők

Ez az bélyegeket adtak ki augusztus 1-jén 1944 témája "Híres magyar nők", és a bélyegek ábrázolják:

  • Szent Erzsébet (1207-1231)
  • Szent Margit (1242-1270)
  • Szilágyi Erzsébet (c. 1410–1483)
  • Kanizsai Dorottya (-1531)
  • Lórántffy Zsuzsanna (1600-1660)
  • Zrínyi Ilona (1643-1703)

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