Dermefface FX7 3 Bottles

As soon as your wound is healed over and dry you can begin applying Dermefface FX7™.

In fact, the faster you can begin applying it, the more likely you are to reduce any permanent scarring. (Though Dermefface FX7™ does work to significantly diminish the appearance of older scars, too!)

Because as soon as you begin applying Dermefface FX7™, it goes to work to:

  • Speed healing on every layer of skin: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue
  • Promote the regrowth of healthy, normal skin with increased production of both Type I & Type III collagen
  • Increase the turnover of skin cells (part of your 28-day cycle of skin cell regeneration)
  • Slough away 'scarred' cells to be replaced with healthy, normal skin cells

So as part of your skin's natural 28-day cycle of regeneration, where dead skin cells are sloughed off as new skin cells rise to the surface, your 'scarred' cells are naturally replaced with healthy NORMAL skin cells!

Helps To Normalize Skin's Production Of Collagen In 
Scarred Areas:

Once the skin has been damaged, scars occur as a result of the over or under-production of collagen.

If TOO MUCH collagen is produced - your scar will be larger and more discolored.

If NOT ENOUGH collagen is produced - the scar will be weak and vulnerable to re-injury.

So to help fade your scars, Dermefface FX7™ Scar Reduction Therapy has been formulated to normalize production of the skin healing collagen (type III) and skin strengthening collagen (type I)...

... Replacing scarred cells with healthy normal skin cells for a scar-erasing effect!