1 Stück CY7C65213-28PVXI USB RS232 Adapter DIP (UART 5V Level) aufgelötet


1x CY7C65213-28PVXI

1x Leiterplatte SMD zu DIP Adapter, 28 polig

2x Stiftleiste je 14 polig

Pfostenstecker nicht gelötet. Lieferumfang wie auf dem Foto zu sehen!

USB 2.0 certified, Full-Speed (12 Mbps)
❐ Supports communication driver class (CDC), personal health care device class (PHDC), and vendor-specific drivers
❐ Battery charger detection (BCD) compliant with USB Battery Charging Specification Rev. 1.2 (peripheral detect only)
❐ Integrated USB termination resistors
■ Single-channel configurable UART interfaces
❐ Data rates up to 3 Mbps
❐ 256 bytes for each transmit and receive buffer
❐ Data format:
• 7 to8 data bits
• 1 to 2 stop bits
• No parity, even, odd, mark, or space parity
❐ Supports parity, overrun, and framing errors
❐ Supports flow control using CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR
■ General-purpose input/output (GPIO): 8 pins
■ Configuration utility (Windows) to configure the following:
❐ Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), and Product and
Manufacturer descriptors
❐ Charger detection
■ Driver support for VCOM and DLL
❐ Windows 8: 32- and 64-bit versions
❐ Windows 7: 32- and 64-bit versions
❐ Windows Vista: 32- and 64-bit versions
❐ Windows XP: 32- and 64-bit versions
❐ Windows CE

❐ Mac OS-X: 10.6, 10.7
❐ Linux: Kernel version 2.6.35 and later versions
❐ Android: Gingerbread and later versions
■ 512-byte flash for storing configuration parameters
■ Clocking: Integrated 48-MHz clock oscillator
■ USB suspend mode for low power
■ Supports bus-/self-powered configurations
■ Compatible with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 host controllers
■ Operating voltage: 1.71 to 5.50 V
■ Operating temperature: –40 C to 85 C
■ ESD protection: 2.2-kV HBM
■ RoHS-compliant package
❐ 28-pin SSOP (10 × 7.5 × 1.65 mm, 0.65-mm pitch)

Materialeigenschaft: RoHS-konform

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