This is my Warm 63 Strat set. You will be able to purchase 3 classic toned single coil pickups , balanced as a complete set  

This set has been my most popular Stratocaster set due to it's versatility, warmth ,tone and overall balance across the set even at the bridge position.
Black , white and cream are the available cover colors. 
Each set is wound per order, so please allow 2-4 days for handling before shipping. 
This time allows you to request any extra tweaks for a fully customized set for you.

Pickups are raw flat alnico 5 magnets in the neck and middle and alnico 3 in the bridge.Can be staggered or flat at no additional charge.
Medium scatter wound with 42 awg heavy Formvar wire, the scatter brings out warmth and cuts down on the 60 cycle hum that so many stock single coils have that are wound by machines.
 Lead wires are vintage push back wire ,so no stripping is needed .
Measurements are :
neck    -6.2k
middle -6.3k -RWRP for humcancelling in the 2/4 positions
bridge - 7k Alnico 3

If you have any questions, please contact me and I'd be happy to help you decide on the perfect set!

 I get a lot of emails from happy customers , I felt this testimonial was really worth repeating  :

HI, John.

I got the 63 Strat pickups (with flat poles) installed into my 2010 American Standard Strat yesterday. Unfortunately I'm between amps right now, but I did have the chance to try them out at the shop through a Twin Reverb Reissue.

The tone is fantastic -- exactly what I was looking for. To me, the trick with Strat pickups is to find the right balance between clarity and warmth. Other pickups I've tried have strayed too far in one direction (harsh) or too far in the other (muddy). Your 63 Strat set nails it. The neck position is full, round, and touch sensitive, yet retains that sparkle that is the hallmark of a good Strat.

I'm also very impressed by how balanced and usable the middle and bridge positions are. I spend most of my time on the neck pickup, but the middle pickup has a great rhythm tone that I think will sit just right in a full-band mix. The bridge pickup provides the perfect amount of bite and output without the ice-pick that often plagues the Strat bridge position. I'm not a technical expert, but it seems to me that the use of Alnico III magnets in the bridge is spot on. When you have the amp EQ'd to sound clear and full on the neck pickup, switching to the bridge gives a little bump in output and enough bite to cut through -- all without the harshness that usually deters me from using the bridge pickup by itself.

Finally, the in-between positions are just what everybody looks for in a good Strat -- very quacky but not overly thin or hollow.

Thanks for the great pickups! I'd be pleased with them at any price, but at your prices they are an even more remarkable value.

