In the spring of 1861, years of tension between the northern & southern states over a range of issues including, the rights of individual states over federal government, expansion to the west and slavery would finally erupt into Civil War. Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860 on an anti-slavery ticket had alienated several southern states prompting them to secede from the Union to form the Confederate States of America. More states joined them once combat began and four years of the bloodiest conflict witnessed on American soil ensued with fierce battles at Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Vicksburg amongst others. The bitter conflict pitted neighbours and, often time, families against one another. At the surrender of the Confederacy in 1865 some 620,000 soldiers had lost their lives with many more wounded and the population and territory of the South was left devastated.
The conclusion of the war saw an outpouring of literature on the subject from both observers and those personally involved in the conflict. Collected together here in this 3 disc set are 643 books published at the time of the war and in its immediate aftermath through to the early 20th century. These texts give us a fascinating insight into the war and constitute a fantastic source of historical material covering a wide range of subject matter including: biographical studies of the major characters, regimental histories, personal reminiscences, military, social and political reflections on the conflict, statistical volumes with rosters, casualties and more, plus a range of other books on every imaginable aspect of the war.
screen shot of DVD-Rom disc menu:

Each book, in pdf format is a 300dpi scan of the original pages so you will be reading each book exactly as per the originals. Features thousands of photographs, illustrations, maps and diagrams. Take look at some examples:
Volume One includes the 11 Volume Rebellion Record edited by Frank Moore plus 7 Volumes of the Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the US Army, a statistical documentation of troops from States across the Union. In addition a further 162 texts on a variety of subject matter are featured as follows:

A Birds-Eye View of Our Civil War - T Dodge (1891)
A Chart History of the Civil War - JW Gibson (1893)
A Confederate Girls Diary - S Dawson (1913)
A Confederate Surgeons Letters to His Wife - SG Welch (1911)
A Critical History of the late American War - A Mahan (1877)
A Cycle of Adams Letter - Vol 1 - W Ford (1920)
A Cycle of Adams Letters Vol 2 - W Ford (1920)
A History of Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion - J Williams (1888)
A History of the Civil War in the United States - S Schmucker (1865)
A History of the Civil War in the United States, 1861-5 - WB Wood (1905)
A Hundred Battles in the West - St Louis to Atlanta 1861-65 - P Thatcher (1884)
A List of the Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville - D Atwater (1866)
A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States of America - JA Early (1866)
A Narrative of the Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1861 - R Patterson (1865)
A Pair of Blankets; War-Time History in Letters to the Young People of the South - W Stewart (1911)
A Prisoner of War in Virginia 1864-5 - G Putnam (1914)
A Privates Reminiscences of the Civil War - T Gerrish (1882)
A Record of Events in Norfolk County Virginia April 19th 1861 to May 10th 1862 - J Porter (1892)
A Sketch of the Life of Randolph Fairfax - P Slaughter (1878)
A Soldier's Recollections; Leaves From the Diary of a Young Confederate - R McKim (1911)
A Southern Girl in '61 The War-Time Memories of a Confederate Senator's Daughter - DG Wright (1905)
A Womans War Time Journal - D Lunt (1918)
Abraham Lincoln & Men of War-Times - A McClure (1892)
Abraham Lincoln & the London Punch - W Walsh (1909)
American Bastille A History of the Illegal Arrests & Imprisonment of American Citizens During the late Civil War - J Marshall (1876)
American Caricatures Pertaining to the Civil War (1918)
An Original Collection of War Poems & War Songs of the American Civil War 1860-65 - A Beebe (1903)
Annals of the Army of the Cumberland - J Fitch (1863)
Antietam & the Maryland & Virginia Campaigns of 1862 - I Heysinger (1912)
Arbitrary Arrests in the South; or Scenes Rrom the Experience of an Alabama Unionist - R Tharin (1863)
Army Life in a Black Regiment - T Higginson (1870)
Army Life of an Illinois Soldier - C Wills (1906)
As Seen From the Ranks a Boy in the Civil War - C Benton (1902)
Atlanta - JD Cox (1882)
Bastiles of the Confederacy - F Moran (1890)
Battle-fields & Victory - W Abbot (1891)
Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburg Vol 1 - An English Combatant (1863)
Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburg Vol 2 - An English Combatant (1863)
Battles & Biographies of Missourians - W Webb (1900)
Battles & Leaders of the Civil War Vol 1 - R Underwood Johnson (1884)
Battles & Leaders of the Civil War Vol 2 - R Underwood Johnson (1884)
Battles & Leaders of the Civil War Vol 3 - R Underwood Johnson (1884)
Battles & Leaders of the Civil War Vol 4 - R Underwood Johnson (1884)
Battles for the Union - W Glazier (1875)
Battles of the Civil War -T Vineyard (1914)
Bibliography of State Participation in the Civil War 1861-1866 - United States War Department (1913)
Brave Deeds of Union Soldiers - S Scoville (1915)
Bull Run Its Strategy & Tactics - RM Johnston (1913)
Campaigning with Banks & Sheridan - FM Flinn (1887)
Campaigns of 1862 & 63 Illustrating the Principles of Strategy - E Shalk (1863)
Campaigns of the American Civil War - GJ Fiebeger (1914)
Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac - W Swinton (1882)
Campaigns of Wheeler & His Cavalry - W Dodson (1895)
Camp-Fire & Cotton-Field Southern Adventure in Time of War. Life With the Union Armies, & Residence on a Louisiana Plantation T Knox (1865)
Chancellorsville & Gettysburg - A Doubleday (1882)
Cheat Mountain or Unwritten Chapter of the Late War - JG Carrigan (1885)
Chickamauga Record of the Ohio Commission - J McElroy (1896)
Chronological & Alphabetical Record of the Engagements of the Great Civil War with the Casualties on Both Sides - C Cooper (1904)
Civil War & Reconstruction in Alabama - W Fleming (1905)
Civil War Experiences - HC Meyer (1916)
Civil War Letters & Documents - FT Peet (1917)
Civil War Memories - LA Stimson (1918)
Civil War Sketches and Incidents (1902)
Civil War Times 1861-1865 - DW Howe (1902)
Deeds of Daring by the American Soldier North & South - D Kelsey (1903)
Destruction & Reconstruction - R Taylor (1879)
Dickison & His Men Reminiscences of the War in Florida - E Dickison (1890)
Downing's Civil War Diary - A Downing (1916)
Drum Taps in Dixie Memoirs of a Drummer Boy - D Miller (1905)
Drum-Beat of the Nation The 1st Period of the War of the Rebellion - CC Coffin (1888)
East Tennessee & the Civil War - OP Temple (1899)
Eleven Days in the Militia During the War of the Rebellion - L Richards (1883)
Essays on the Civil War & Reconstruction - WA Dunning (1898)
Events of the Civil War - E Bouton (1906)
Experiences in the Civil War - S Woolworth (1904)
Extracts From Letters to A. B. T. from Edward P. Williams - EP Williams (1903)
Famous Adventures & Prison Escapes of the Civil War - GW Cable (1898)
Field, Fort and Fleet - M Quad (1885)
First Blows of the Civil War - JS Pike (1879)
Fitchburg in the War of the Rebellion - H Willis (1866)

Following the Flag With the Army of the Potomac - CC Coffin (1865)
Four Brothers in Blue - R Carter (1913)
Four Months in Libby & the Campaign Against Atlanta - IN Johnstone (1864)
Four Years With Five Armies - I Gause (1908)
Four Years With General Lee - WH Taylor (1878)
Fourteen Months in American Bastiles - FK Howard (1863)
Frank Leslie's Illustrated History of the Civil War - F Leslie (1895)
Freedom Triumphant; the Fourth Period of the War of the Rebellion - CC Coffin (1891)
From Bull Run to Appomattox A Boys View - LW Hopkins (1908)
From Fort Henry to Corinth - MF Force (1881)
From Vicksburg to Raleigh or A Complete History of the 12th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry - MD Gage (1865)
From Yorktown to Santiago With the 6th US Cavalry - WH Carter (1900)
Gen William B Franklin & The Battle of Fredericksburg - J Greene (1900)
General Butler in New Orleans - J Parton (1864)
Gettysburg - H Nelson Co (1905)
Gettysburg Campaign & Campaigns of 1864-1865 in Virginia - RM Stribling (1905)
Gettysburg 'What They Did Here' A Profusely Illustrated Historical Guide Book - L Minnigh (1920)
Grant & His Campaigns A Military Biography - H Coppée (1866)
Grant & Sherman Their Campaigns & Generals - J Headley (1866)
Grant, Lincoln & the Freedmen - J Eaton (1907)
Griersons Raids & Hatch's 64 Day March - R Surby (1865)
Hand Book of the U.S. Navy Being a Compilation of all the Principal Events in the History of Every Vessel of the U.S. Navy April 1861-May 1864 - B Osbon (1864)
Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War Vol 1 - AH Guernsey (1894)
Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War Vol 2 - AH Guernsey (1894)
Heroes & Spies of the Civil War - D Humphreys (1903)
History of Durell's Battery in the Civil War - CA Cuffel (1903)
History of Duryée's Brigade - F Hough (1864)
History of Morgans Cavalry - B Duke (1867)
History of the American Civil War Vol 1 - JW Draper (1868)
History of the American Civil War Vol 2 - JW Draper (1876)
History of the American Civil War Vol 3 - JW Draper (1870)
History of the American War Vol 1 - H Fletcher (1865)
History of the American War Vol 2 - H Fletcher (1865)
History of the American War Vol 3 - H Fletcher (1866)
History of the Army of the Cumberland Vol 1 - TB Van Horne (1885)
History of the Army of the Cumberland Vol 2 - TB Van Horne (1885)
History of the Confederate States Navy From Its Organization to the Surrender of its Last Vessel - J Scharf (1897)
History of the Great Rebellion Vol 1 - TP Kettell (1863)
History of the Great Rebellion Vol 2 - TP Kettell (1863)
History of the Rebellion Its Authors & Causes - J Giddings (1864)
History of the United States Sanitary Commission, Being the General Report of its Work During the War of the Rebellion - C Stillé (1866)
Hitchcocks Chronological Record of the American Civil War (1868)
Home Letters of General Sherman - M DeWolfe Howe (1909)
In Service With the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers - R Daws (1890)
Incidents & Anecdotes of the War Together with Life Sketches of Eminent Leaders & Narratives of the Most Memorable Battles for the Union - O Victor (1862)
Jackson's Campaign Against Pope in August 1862 - JA Early (1883)
Kansas - The Prelude to the War for the Union - LW Spring (1892)
Lee's Dispatches; Unpublished Letters of Gen Robert E Lee - D Freeman (1915)
Lee's Invasion of Northwest Virginia in 1861 - G Hall (1911)
Letters From a Surgeon of the Civil War - M Perry (1906)
Letters From Port Royal Written at the Time of the Civil War - E Pearson (1906)
Letters of a Family During the War for the Union 1861-65 Vol 1 - G Bacon & E Howland (1899)
Letters of a Family During the War for the Union 1861-65 Vol 2 - G Bacon & E Howland (1899)
Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early Autobiographical Sketch & Narrative of the War Between the States - R Early (1912)
Life & Death in Rebel Prisons - RH Kellogg (1865)
Life in Tent & Field 1861-65 - E McKinney (1922)
Life in the Army in the Departments of Virginia & the Gulf Including Observations in New Orleans - J Gregg (1868)
Life in the Confederate Army - A Ford (1905)
Life of Lieut-Gen Thomas J Jackson Vol 1 - R Dabney (1866)
Life of Lieut-Gen Thomas J Jackson Vol 2 - R Dabney (1866)
Lincoln & Episodes of the Civil War - W Doster (1915)
Lincoln and Stanton; A Study of the War Administration of 1861 & 1862 - W Kelley
Lincoln in the Telegraph Office - D Bates (1907)
List of Staff Officers of the Confederate States Army 1861-65 - US War Dept (1891)
Lloyd's Battle History of the Great Rebellion (1866)
Local Designations of Confederate Troops - US War Records Office (189_)
Major General William T Sherman & His Campaigns - P Senour (1865)
Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers & Militia of the Confederate States - W Gilham (1861)
Manual of the Civil War & Key to the Grand Army of the Republic & Kindred Societies - J Carnahan (1897)
Marching to Victory The 2nd Period of the War of the Rebellion - C Coffin (1888)
McClellan's Own Story the war For the Union - GB McClellan (1887)
McDowell & Tyler in the Campaign of Bull Run 1861 - JB Fry (1884)
Memoirs of the War of Secession - J Hagood (1910)
Memorandum & Anecdotes of the Civil War 1862-65 - AJ Robinson (1910)
Memories of Old Cahaba - A Fry (1908)
Military History of Ulysses S Grant from April 1861 to April 1865 Vol 1 - A Badeau (1868)
Military History of Ulysses S Grant from April 1861 to April 1865 Vol 2 - A Badeau (1868)
Military History of Ulysses S Grant from April 1861 to April 1865 Vol 3 - A Badeau (1868)
Military History of Wayne County NY The County in the Civil War - L Clark (1883)
Military Reminiscences of the Civil War Vol 1 - J Cox (1900)
Military Reminiscences of the Civil War Vol 2 - J Cox (1900)  

Some more example images:
Volume 2 includes the magnificent 10 volume Photographic History of the Civil War published in 1911and featuring 1000's of quality photographs depicting every aspect of the war.
Some examples:
Volume 2 also includes the following 182 books:

Mosbys War Reminiscences - JS Mosby (1898)
Muskets & Medicine Or Army Life in the Sixties - C Johnson (1917)
My Days & Nights on the Battlefield - CC Coffin (1887)
My Story of the War a Womans Narrative of 4 Years Personal Experience as a Nurse in the Union army - MA Livermore (1889)
Narrative of the Fall & Winter Campaign - C McClenthen (1863)
National History of the War for the Union, Civil, Military & Naval Founded on Official & Other Authentic Documents Vol 1 - E Duyckinck (1861)
National History of the War for the Union, Civil, Military & Naval Founded on Official & Other Authentic Documents Vol 2 - E Duyckinck (1861)
National History of the War for the Union, Civil, Military & Naval Founded on Official & Other Authentic Documents Vol 3 - E Duyckinck (1861)
New York & the Conscription of 1863 - J Fry (1883)
New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 Vol 1 - F Phisterer (1912)
New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 Vol 2 - F Phisterer (1912)
New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 Vol 3 - F Phisterer (1912)
New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 Vol 4 - F Phisterer (1912)
New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 Vol 5 - F Phisterer (1912)
New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 Vol 6 Indeces - F Phisterer (1912)
Notes of a Private - JM Hubbard (1911)
Numbers & Loses in the Civil War in America 1861-65 - T Livermore (1871)
On the War Path; A Journey Over the Historic Grounds of the Late Civil War - J Kerbey (1890)
Onondagas Part in the Civil War - S Teall (1915)
Our Campaigns - E Woodward (1865)
Personal Experiences in the Civil War - FT Peet (1905)
Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln & the Civil War - J Gilmore (1898)
Personal Reminiscences of the War 1861-5 - WH Morgan (1911)
Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-65 - F Taylor (1913)
Pickett & His Men - LC Pickett (1900)
Political History of Secession - DW Howe (1914)
Popular History of the Civil War - E Cheney (1894)
Prison Life in Dixie - JB Vawter (1881)
Prisoners of War 1861-65 - T Sturgis (1912)
Rebel Invasion of Missouri and Kansas - RJ Hinton (1865)
Recollections of a Cavalryman of the Civil War After 50 Years - W Hamiltion (1915)
Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer - M Sorrel (1917)
Recollections of a Naval Life Including the Cruises of the Confederate States Steamers, Sumter & Alabama - J Kell (1900)
Recollections of the Civil War - C Dana (1898)
Recollections of the Civil War - M Tyler (1912)
Recollections of the Rebel Invasion & One Womans Experience During the Battle of Gettysburg - F Buehler (1896)
Recollections of War Times - W McClendon (1909)
Record of Officers & Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-65 Vol 1 - Adjutant Generals Office (1876)
Record of Officers & Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-65 Vol 2 - Adjutant Generals Office (1876)
Redeeming the Republic The 3rd Period of the War of the Rebellion - CC Coffin (1889)
Regimental Losses in the American Civil War - W Fox (1889)
Reminiscences of a Rebel - W Dunaway (1913)
Reminiscences of a Soldiers Wife - E Biddle (1907)
Reminiscences of the Civil War - AC Lyon (1907)
Reminiscences of the Civil War - JB Gordon (1904)
Reminiscences of the Civil War 1861-65 - PL Ledford (1909)
Reminiscences of the War of 1861-1865 - P Brown (1912)
Reminiscences of Two Years With the Colored Troops - J Addeman (1890)
Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War Vol 1 Army of the Potomac, Battle of Petersburg - US Congress (1865)
Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War Vol 2 Red River Expedition, Fort Fisher Expedition, Heavy Ordnance - US Congress (1865)
Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War Vol 3 S Johnston. Light-Draught Monitors. Massacre of Cheyenne Indians. Ice contracts. Rosecranss Campaigns - US Cong..
Reports of the Adjutant General of the state of Kansas for the years 1862, 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1868 (1902)
Revised Register of the Soldiers & Sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion 1861-66 - A Ayling (1895)
Revised Roster of Vermont Volunteers & Lists of Vermonters Who Served in the Army & Navy of the US During the War of the Rebellion 1861-66 (1892)
Romance of the Civil War - A Hart (1903)
Running the Blockade - TE Taylor (1897)
Selections from the Letters & Diaries of Brevet-Brigadier General Willoughby Babcock of the 75th NY Volunteers - W Babcock (1922)
Sherman & His Campaigns A Military Biography - S Bowman & R Irwin (1865)
Shermans March Through the South - D Conyngham (1865)
Slavery & 4 Years of War Vol 1 - JW Keifer (1900)
Slavery & 4 Years of War Vol 2 - JW Keifer (1900)
Soldiers & Patriots Biographical Album - Union Veteran Publishing Company (1892)
South Carolina Women in the Confederacy Vol 1 - United Daughters of the Confederacy (1907)
South Carolina Women in the Confederacy Vol 2 - United Daughters of the Confederacy (1907)
Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States - F Phisterer (1881)
Stones River the Turning-Point of the Civil War - W Vance (1914)
Stonewall Jackson & the American Civil War Vol 1 - GFR Henderson (1909)
Stonewall Jackson & the American Civil War Vol 2 - GFR Henderson (1909)
Stories of the Confederacy - UR Brooks (1912)
Stories of War Told by Soldiers - E Hale (1879)
Story of the Confederate States - JT Derry (1895)
Telegraphing in Battle - J O'Brien (1910)
The 12 Decisive Battles of the War - W Swinton (1867) 

The 2nd Cavalry Division of the Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg Campaign - D Gregg (1907)
The Aftermath of the Civil War in Arkansas - P Clayton (1915)
The American Civil War, A Concise History of its Causes Progress & Results - J Formby (1910)
The American Indian As Participant in the Civil War - A Abel (1919)
The American Jew as Patriot Soldier & Citizen - S Wolf (1895)
The American Union; Its Effect on National Character & Policy, With an Inquiry Into Secession as a Constitutional Right, & the Causes of the Disruption - J Spence (1863)
The Annals of the War Written by Leading Participants North & South (1879)
The Antietam & Fredericksburg - FW Palfrey (1882)
The Army of the Cumberland - H Cist (1882)
The Army of the Potomac Gen McClellan's Report - G McClellan (1864)
The Army Under Pope - J Ropes (1881)
The Battle of Atlanta & Other Campaigns, Addresses etc - GM Dodge (1910)
The Battle of Chancellorsville - A Hamlin (1896)
The Battle of Fort Stedman - W Hodgkins (1889)


The Battle of Gettysburg - F Haskell (1908)
The Battle of Gettysburg - J Bowman Young (1913)
The Battle of Gettysburg the Crest-Wave of the American Civil War - F Marshal (1914)
The Battle of New Market Va May 15th, 1864 - JC Wise (1914)
The Battles of the War for the Union - P Holmes (1897)
The Black Phalanx; a History of the Negro Soldiers of the United States in the Wars of 1775-1812, 1861-'65 - J Wilson (1897)
The Blue & the Gray; Sketches of a Portion of the Unwritten History of the great American Civil War - JP Austin (1899)
The Boys of '61 or Four Years of Fighting - C Coffin (1896)
The Campaigns of Gen Robert E Lee - J Early (1872)
The Case of the South Against the North - B Grady (1899)
The Causes of the American Civil War - J Motley (1861)
The Chancellorsville Campaign Fredericksburg to Salem Church - C Richardson (1907)
The Civil War - SL Paxson (1911)
The Civil War & Reconstruction in Florida - WW Davis (1913)
The Civil War by Campaigns - FE Greenawalt (1899)
The Civil War From a Northern Standpoint - FN Thorpe (1906)
The Civil War From a Southern Standpoint - A Snyder (1890)
The Civil War in America - WH Russell (1861)
The Civil War in Song & Story - F Moore (1865)
The Civil War on the Border Vol 1 - C Britton (1899)
The Civil War on the Border Vol 2 - C Britton (1899)
The Confederate Cause & Conduct in the War Between the States - HH McGuire(1907)
The Confederate Mail Carrier - J Bradley (1894)
The Contest for California in 1861; How Colonel E.D. Baker saved the Pacific States to the Union - E Kennedy (1912)
The Crisis of the Confederacy - C Battine (1906)
The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter - F Semmes (1864)
The Early Life, Campaigns, & Public Services of Robert E Lee - EA Pollard (1871)
The Fallen Brave - J Shea (1861)
The Gray Book - Sons of Confederate Veterans (1920)
The Grayjackets & How They Lived Fought & Died For Dixie - A Confederate (1867)
The Great Invasion of 1863 or General Lee in Pennsylvania - J Hoke (1887)
The History of the Fall of Fort Sumpter - S Crawford (1896)
The Immortal 600 A Story of Cruelty to Confederate Prisoners of War - J Murray (1905)
The Last Ninety Days of the War in North Carolina - C Spencer (1866)
The Lives & Campaigns of Grant and Lee - S Odel (1895)
The Lives of General U.S. Grant, and Henry Wilson (c1872)
The Lost Cause A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates _ A Pollard (1866)
The March to the Sea Franklin & Nashville - J Cox (1882)
The Medical Department of the US Army in the Civil War - L Duncan (191_)
The Military & Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States With Biographical Sketches of Deceased Officers - W Tenney (1865)
The Mississippi - FV Greene (1882)
The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War - J Fiske (1900)
The Naval History of the Civil War - DD Porter (1886)
The Navy in the Civil War - Vol 1 the Blockade & the Cruisers - J Soley (1883)
The Navy in the Civil War - Vol 2 the Atlantic Coast - D Ammen (1883)
The Navy in the Civil War - Vol 3 the Gulf & Inland Waters - T Mahan (1883)
The Outbreak of Rebellion - J Nicolay (1881)
The Peninsula; McClellans Campaign of 1862 - A Webb (1881)
The Prisoner of War & How Treated - A Roach (1865)
The Privations of a Private - MB Toney (1905)
The Rebellion Register a History of the Principal Persons & Places, Important Dates, Documents & Statistics, Military & Political, Connected With the Civil War in America - ..
The Records of Living Officers of the U. S. Navy & Marine Corps With a History of Naval Operations During the Rebellion of 1861-5 - L Hamersly (1870)
The Retreat From Pulaski to Nashvill, Tenn - L Schofield (1909)
The Rise & Fall of the Confederate Government Vol 1 - J Davis (1881)
The Rise & Fall of the Confederate Government Vol 2 - J Davis (1881)
The Shenandoah Valley and Virginia, 1861 to 1865 - SC Kellogg (1903)
The Shenandoah Vally in 1864 - GE Pond (1883)
The Slavery Controversy Civil War & Reconstruction 1820-1876 - A Johnston (1905)
The Soldier Bird. Old Abe the Live War Eagle of Wisconsin - JO Barrett (1876)
The Soldier's Story of his Captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle & Other Rebel Prisons - WL Goss(1869)
The Southern Soldier Boy A Thousand Shots for the Confederacy - J Elliott (1907)
The Southern War Poetry of the Civil War - AP Ellinger (1918)
The Story of a Border City During the Civil War - G Anderson (1908)
The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson - E Moore (1907)
The Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil war - L Wallace (1897)
The Story of the Civil War Part 1 - JG Ropes (1900)
The Story of the Civil War Part 2 - JG Ropes (1900)
The Story of the Civil War Part 3 Book 1 - JW Livermore (1913)
The Story of the Civil War Part 3 Book 2 - JW Livermore (1913)
The Strategy of Robert E Lee - JJ Bowen (1914)
The Sword of Honour - H Johnson (1909)
The Tribute Book A Record of the Munificence Self-Sacrifice & Patriotism of the American People During the War for the Union - F Goodrich (1865)
The True History of the Civil War - G Carleton Lee (1903)
The Union Cause in Kentucky - T Speed (1907)
The Union Cause in St Louis in 1861 - R Rombauer (1909)
The Union Indian Brigade in the Civil War - W Britton (1922)
The Virginia Campaign of '64 & '65 - AA Humphreys (1863)
The War; Stonewall Jackson, His campaigns & Battles, the Regiment as I Saw Them - J Wood (1910)
Three Hundred Days in a Yankee Prison - JH King (1904)
Uncle Sam's Medal of Honor Some of the Noble Deeds for Which the Medal Has Been Awarded, Described by Those Who Have Won It 1861-1866 - T Rodenbough (c1886)
Under the Maltese Cross, Antietam to Appomattox, the Loyal Uprising in Western Pennsylvania, 1861-65 Campaigns 155th Pennsylvania Regiment (1910)
Union Portraits - G Bradford (1916)
Vermont in the Civil War A History Vol 1 - G Benedict (1888)
Vermont in the Civil War A History Vol 2 - G Benedict (1888)
Voting in the Field a Forgotton Chapter of the Civil War - J Benton (1915)
War Anecdotes & Incidents of Army Life - A Lawson (1888)
War Diary & Letters of Stephen Minot Weld 1861-65 - SM Weld (1912)
War Pictures From the South - B Estvan (1863)
War Songs of the Blue & the Gray as Sung by the Brave Soldiers of the Union & Confederate Armies (c1905)
War Talks of Confederate Veterans - G Bernard (1892)
Wisconsin Losses in the Civil War - C Estabrook (1915)
With Fire & Sword - SHM Byers (1911)
With Grant at Fort Donelson, Shiloh & Vicksburg - W Crummer (1915)
With the Light Guns in '61-'65 - W Woodrofe (1903)
Women of the War; Their Herosim & Self-Sacrifice - F Moore (1867)  

Volume 3 of the collection features 272 books each focussing on the history of a specific regiment. Organised by individual states these texts describe the exploits of regiments on both sides of the conflict. Written largely by members of each regiment they provide a detailed insight to events of the war often not found in general historical studies of the conflict.
Some examples of pages showing rosters / statistical information:
The books featured in this 3rd volume are as follows:


A History of Lumsdens Battery C.S.A. - G Little (1905)
History of the 14th Regiment Alabama Vols - M Hurst (1863)
History of the 1st Regiment Alabama Volunteer infantry CSA - E McMorries (1904)


Frontier Service During the Rebellion or, A History of Company K, First Infantry, California Volunteers - G Pettis (1885)
The California Column - GH Pettrich (1908)


History of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers During the Great Rebellion - H Sprague (1867)
History of the 14th Regiment, Connecticut Vol. Infantry - C Page (1906)
History of the 18th Regiment Conn. Volunteers in the War for the Union - W Walker (1885)
History of the 7th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Hawleys Brigade, Terrys Division, 10th Army Corps, 1861-65 - S Walkley (1905)
History of the 9th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, 'The Irish Regiment' - T Murray (1903)
Reminiscences of the Services & Experience of Lieut George Quien of Company K 23rd Regiment Conn. Vols - G Quien (1906)
The 20th Connecticut A Regimental History - J Storrs (1886)
The 25th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion - US Army (1913)
The '27th' A Regimental History - WD Shelson (1866)
The 5th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers A History Compiled from Diaries & Official Reports - E Marvin (1889)


History of the 1st Regiment, Delaware Volunteers - W Seville (1884)


A Soldiers Story of his Regiment 61st Georgia - G Nichols (1898)
Brief History of the 30th Georgia Regiment - A Adamson (1912)
Historical Sketch of the Chatham Artillery During the Confederate Struggle for Independence - C Jones (1867)
History of the 11th Georgia Vols Embracing the Muster Rolls - K Warren (1863)
History of the 42nd Regiment, Georgia Volunteers - W Calhoun (1900)
Reminiscences of Service with the 1st Volunteer Regiment of Georgia, Charleston Harbor, in 1863 - C Olmstead (1879)
Sketches of the 1st Regiment Ga. Vols Together with the History of the 56th Regiment Georgia Vols., to Jan 1, 1864 - O Cantrell (1864)
Under the Stars & Bars; or Memories of 4 Years Service with the Oglethorpes of Augusta Georgia - W Clark (1900)


A Waif of the War or the History of the 75th Illinois Ifantry - W Dodge (1866)
Complete History of the 46th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry - TB Jones (1900)
History of the 112th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the Great War of the Rebellion - B Thompson (1885)
History of the 115th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry - I Royse (1900)
History of the 124th Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteer - R Howard (1880)
History of the 2nd Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry - H Bolton (1899)
History of the 33rd Regiment Illinois Volunteer Veteran Infantry in the Civil War - V Way (1902)
History of the 77th Illinois Volinteer Infantry - W Bentley (1883)
History of the 86th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry - J Kinnear (1866)
History of the 9th Regiment Illinois Cavalry Volunteers - (1888)
Our Regiment A History of the 102nd Illinois Infantry Volunteers - S Fleharty (1865)
The 19th Illinois; A Memoir of a Regiment of Volunteer Infantry - H Haynie (1912)
The Drums of the 47th - R Burdette (1914)


A History of the 31st Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry - T Smith (1900)
History of the 33rd Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry - J McBride (1900)
History of the 37th Regiment of Indiana Infantry Volunteers - G Putenney (1896)
History of the 3rd Indiana Cavalry _ W Pickerill (1906)
History of the 46th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry - T Bringhurst (1888)
History of the 51st Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry - W Hatpence (1894)
History of the 79th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War of 1861- G Parker (1899)
History of the 7th Indiana Cavalry Volunteers - TS Cogley (1876)
History of the 81st Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Great War of the Rebellion - GE Morris (1901)
History of the 82nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry - A Hunter (1893)
Souvenir, the 17th Indiana Regiment A History from its Organization to the End of the War - US Army (1913)
The 70th Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion - S Merrill (1900)
The 86th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry a Narrative of its Services in the Civil War of 1861-65 - J Barnes (1895)
The Story of the Marches, Battles & Incidents of the 36th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry - W Grose (1891)


A History of the 1st Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers - C Lothrop (1890)
Campaigns & Battles of the 12th Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry - D Reed (1903)
History of the 15th Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry - W Belknap (1887)
History of the 2nd Iowa Cavalry - LB Pierce (1865)
History of the 33rd Iowa Infantry Volunteer Regiment 1863-6 - AF Sperry (1866)
History of the 7th Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry During the Civil War - H Smith (1903)
Recollections With the 3rd Iowa Regiment - S Thompson (1864)
Reminiscences of the 22nd Iowa Volunteer Infantry - S Jones (1907)
Roster of the 4th Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers - WM Forse Scott (1902)


Kansas in the Sixties - SJ Crawford (1911)
Memorial of Edward CD Lines Late Captain of Co C 2nd Reg't Kansas Cavalry - C Lines (1867)
Roll of the Officers & Enlisted Men of the 3rd 4th 18th & 19th Kansas Volunteers 1861 - Adjutant General's Office (1902)
Story of the Seventh Kansas - SM Fox (1902)
The 6th Kansas Cavalry & its Commander - CE Cory (1908)


History of the 1st Kentucky Brigade - E Thompson (1868)
History of the 8th Regiment Kentucky Vol. Inf - TJ Wright (1880)
The Wild Riders of the 1st Kentucky Cavalry a History of the Regiment in the Great War of the Rebellion 1861-65 - E Tarrant (1894)


A Southern Record; The History of the 3rd Regiment Louisiana Infantry - W Tunnard (1866)
In Camp & Battle With the Washington Artillery of New Orleans - W Owen (1883)
The Story of the 26th Louisiana Infantry - H Winchester (1890)


Company D, 16th Maine Vols A Brief History of the Individual Services of its Members 1862-65 - H Andrews (1906)
History of the 1st - 10th - 29th Maine Regiment - J Gould (1871)
History of the 1st Maine Cavalry 1861-65 - E Tobie (1887)
Roster & Statistical Record of Company D of the 11th Regiment Maine Infantry Volunteers With a Sketch of its Services in the War of the Rebellion - A Maxfield (1890)
The 16th Maine Regiment in the War of the Rebellion - A Small (1886)
The 16th Maine Regiment in the War of the Rebellion 1861-65 - AR Small (1886)
The 32nd Maine Regiment of Infantry Volunteers; An Historical Sketch - H Houston (1903)
The History of the 19th Regiment of Maine Volunteer Infantry 1862-65 - J Smith (1909)
The Story of One Regiment; the 11th Maine Infantry Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion - US Army (1896)


Historical Record of the 1st Regiment Maryland Infantry - C Camper (1871)
History & Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-5 Vol 1 - General Assembly of Maryland (1898)
History & Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-5 Vol 2 - General Assembly of Maryland (1898)
Maryland & the Glorious Old 3rd in the War for the Union - S Kramer (1882)
The Maryland Line in the Confederate Army, 1861-65 - W Godsborough (1900)


Bearing Arms in the 27th Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteer Infantry - WP Derby (1883)
History of the 12th Massachusetts Volunteers - B Cook (1882)
History of the 37th Regiment Mass Volunteers - L Bowen (1884)
History of the 45th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia - A Mann (1908)
History of the 48th Regiment MVM During the Civil War - A Plummer (1907)
History of the 50th Regiment of Infantry Massachusetts Volunteer Militia - WB Stevens (1907)
History of the 52nd Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers - F Moors (1893)
History of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1863-65 - L Emilio (1891)
Record of the 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - A Boies (1880)
Reminiscences of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment - J Adam (1899)
Reminiscences of the 34th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - W Clark (1871)
The 10th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1861-64 - A Roe (1909)
The 20th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - G Bruce (1906)
The 24th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers - A Roe (1907)
The 3 Years Service of the 33rd Mass Infantry Regiment 1862-65 - A Underwood (1880)
The 39th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 1862-65 - A Roe (1914)
The 3rd Massachsetts Cavalry in the War for the Union - JK Ewer (1903)
The 3rd Massachusetts Regiment Volunteer Militia in the War of the Rebellion - J Gammons (1906)
The 57th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion - J Anderson (1896)
The Bay State 44th A Regimental Record - S De Forest (1863)
The History of the 29th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - W Osborne (1877)
The Story of Company A 25th Regiment Mass Vols - S Putnam (1886)
The Story of the 15th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War - A Ford (1898)
Three Years in the Army the Story of the 13th Massachusetts Volunteers - C Davis (1894)


A Brief History of the 10th Michigan Cavalry - L Trowbridge (1905)
Historical Sketches of the 9th Michigan Infantry - C Bennett (1913)
History of the 24th Michigan of the Iron Brigade - O Curtis (1891)
History of the Formation, Movements, Camps, Scouts & Battles of the 10th Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry - F Hewes (1864)
Personal & Historical Sketches & Facial History of & by Members of the 7th Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry 1862-65 - W Lee (1902)
Personal Recollections of Cavalryman with Custer's Michigan Cavalry Brigade in the Civil War - J Kidd (1908)
Reminiscences, Incidents, Battles, Marches & Camp Life of the Old 4th Michigan Infantry in War of Rebellion - O Barrett (1888)
The Story of the 20th Michigan Infantry July 15th 1862 to May 30th 1865 - B Cutcheon (1904)


A Drummer-Boy's Diary Comprising 4 Years of Service With the 2nd Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers 1861-65 - W Bircher (1889)
History of Company E, of the 6th Minnesota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry - AJ Hill (1899)
History of the 1st Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry 1861-64 (1916)
History of the 4th Regiment Minnesota Infantry Volunteers 1861-65 - A Brown (1892)
Story of the 15th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry - T Turner (1899)
The Story of a Regiment; Being a Narrative of the Service of the 2nd Regiment, Minnesota Veteran Volunteer Infantry - J Bishop (1890)


A Historical Sketch of the Quitman Guards Company E, 16th Mississippi Regiment - IT Hinton (1866)
Roster & Sketches of the several Military Companies Which Were in Regular Service of the Confererate States During the Civil War from Yazoo County, Miss (1905)


A History of the 11th New Hampshire Regiment in the Rebellion War - LW Cogswell (1891)
A History of the 5th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers in the American Civil War - W Child (1893)
A History of the 8th Regiment New Hampshire Volunyeers - J Stanyan (1892)
A Memorial of the Great Rebellion Being A History of the 14th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers - H Buffum (1882)
History of the 12th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers - AW Bartlett (1897)
History of the 17th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry 1862-3 - C Kent (1898)
History of the 6th New Hampshire Regiment in the War for the Union - L Jackman (1891)
History of the 9th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers - E Lord (1905)
The 13th Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion - S Thompson (1888)
The 1st Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers in the Great Rebellion - S Abbott (1890)


A Complete & Comprehensive History of the 9th Regiment New Jersey Vols. Infantry - H Everts (1865)
Campaign of the 14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers - J Terrill (1884) 


Eight Days with the Confederates & Capture of their Archives, Flags &c. by Company G 9th New Jersey Vol - M Runyan (1896) 
Historical Sketch of the 15th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps - E Campbell (1880) 
History of the 11th New Jersey Volunteers - TD Marbaker (1898)
History of the 15th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers - A Haines (1883)
History of the 1st Brigade New Jersey Volunteers - C Baquet (1910)
New Jersey Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign - S Toombs (1888)
New Jersey's 9th Regiment
The History of the 1st New Jersey Cavalry (16th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers) - H Pyne (1871)


A History of the 117th Regiment NY Volunteers - J Mowrish (1866)
A History of the 44th Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry - E Nash (1911)
A Regimental History of 125th NY State Volunteers - E Simons (1888)
Chronicles of the 21st Regiment New York State Volunteers - J Mills (1887)
From Bull Run to Chancellorsville the Story of the 16th New York Infantry - NM Curtis (1906)
History of the 100th Regiment of New York State Volunteers - G Stowitz (1870)
History of the 144th New York Volunteer Infantry - J McKee (1905)
History of the 27th Regiment N.Y. Vols - C Fairchild (1888)
History of the 40th (Mozart) Regiment New York Volunteers - F Floyd (1909)
History of the 49th New York Volunteers - F Bidwell (1916)
History of the 76th Regiment New York Volunteers - A Smith (1867)
History of the 7th Regiment National Guard, State of New York During the War of the Rebellion - W Swinton (1886)
History of the 9th Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry - N Cheney (1901)
The 120th Regiment New York State Volunteers - C Van Santvoord (1894)
The 159th Regiment Infantry New York State Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion, 1862-65 - W Tiemann (1891)
The 9th New York Heavy Artillery - A Roe (1899)
The History of a Volunteer Regiment Being a Succinct Account of the Organization, Services & Adventures of the 6th Regiment New York Volunteers Infantry - G Morris (1891)
The History of the 127th New York Volunteers - F Mc Grath (1898)
The Story of a Regiment Being a Record of the Military Services of the 57th New York State Volunteer Infantry - G Frederick (1895)


Histories of the Several Regiments & Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-65 Vol 1 - W Clark (1901)
Histories of the Several Regiments & Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-65 Vol 2 - W Clark (1901)
Histories of the Several Regiments & Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-65 Vol 3 - W Clark (1901)
Histories of the Several Regiments & Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-65 Vol 4 - W Clark (1901)
Histories of the Several Regiments & Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-65 Vol 5 - W Clark (1901)
Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays Co. B 27th North Carolina Regiment - JA Sloan (1883)
The Anson Guards Company C, 14th Regiment North Carolina Volunteers 1861-65 - W Smith (1914)


Four Years in the Saddle. History of the 1st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry - W Curry (1898)
History & Roster of the 4th & 5th Independent Battalions & 13th Regiment Ohio Cavalry Volunteers - H Aston (1902)
History of the 21st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion - S Canfield (1893)
History of the 32nd Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry - EZ Hays (1896)
History of the 81st Regiment Ohio Infantry Volunteers During the War of the Rebellion - W Chamberlin (1865)
Journal History of the 29th Ohio Veteran Volunteers 1861-65 its Victories & Reverses - J SeCheverell
Record of the 116th Regiment Ohio Infantry Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion - T Wildes (1884)
Services of the 96th Ohio Volunteers - J Woods (1874)
Story of the 101st Ohio Infantry a Memorial Volume - L Day (1894)
The 15th Ohio Volunteers & its Campaigns, War of 1861-5 - A Cope (1916)
The Campaigns of the 124th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry - GW Lewis (1894)
The History of Fullers Ohio Brigade 1861-65 C Smith (1909)
The Military History of the 123rd Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry - C Keyes (1874)
The Story of the 4th Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry - L Wulsin (1912)


A True History of the Charge of the 8th Pennsylvania Cavlary at Chancellorsville - H Pennock (1883)
History of the 101st Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry 1861-65 - J Reed (1910)
History of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment - W Davis (1866)
History of the 106th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers 2nd Brigade 2nd Division 2nd Corps - J Ward (1906)
History of the 127th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers - Pennsylvania Infantry (1906)
History of the 131st Penna. Volunteers War of 1861-5 - J Orwig (1902)
History of the 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers - R Stewart (1912)
History of the 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers - D Craft (1865)
History of the 150th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers 2nd Regiment, Bucktail Brigade - T Chamberlain (1905)
History of the 17th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry - HP Moyer (1911)
History of the 18th Regiment of Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volunteers T Rodenbough (1900)
History of the 1st Battalion Pennsylvania 6 Months Volunteers & the 187th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - J Gibbs (1905)
History of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Birney's zouaves 1861-65 (1904)
History of the 45th Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry - A Albert (1912)
History of the 49th Pennsylvania Volunteers - R Westbrook (1898)
History of the 51st Regiment of P.V. and V.V. - T Parker (1869)
History of the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War for the Union - D Vautier (1894)
History of the Bucktails, Kane Rifle Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps - H Thomson (1906)
Red White & Blue Badge, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. A History of the 93rd regiment - PG Mark (1911)
Soldiers True; The Story of the 111th Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers - JR Boyle (1903)
The Story of the 116th Regiment Pennsylvannia Volunteers - A Mulholland (1903)
Under the Red Patch; Story of the 63rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-64 - G Hays (1908)


A Narrative of the Campaign of the 1st Rhode Island Regiment in the Spring & Summer of 1861 - A Woddbury (1862)
Forty-Six Months With the 4th R. I. Volunteers, in the War of 1861 to 1865 - G Allen (1887)
History of Company F 1st Regiment R.I. Volunteers During the Spring & Summer of 1861 - C Clarke (1891)
History of the 11th Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion - RW Rock (1881)
History of the 12th Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers in the Civil War 1862-63 (1904)
History of the 9th & 10th Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers & the 10th Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862 - W Spicer (1892)
Sabres & Spurs; The 1st Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry in the Civil War 1861-1865 - F Denison (1876)
Shot & Shell; The 3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery Regiment 1861-65 - F Denison (1879)
The 14th Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery - W Chenery (1898)
The 2nd Rhode Island Volunteers at the Seige of Petersburg, Virginia - E Rhodes (1915)
The 7th Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers in the Civil War 1862-65 - W Hopkins (1903)
The History of Battery A 1st Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery in the War to Preserve the Union - T Aldrich (1904)
The History of Battery E 1st Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery - G Lewis (1891)


A Sketch of the Charleston Light Dragoons, from the Earliest Formation of the Corps - W Wells (1888)
A Sketch of the War Record of the Edisto Rifles - W Izlar (1914)
Butler & His Cavalry in the War of Secession - U Brooks (1909)
Co. J 4th South Carolina Infantry at the First Battle of Manassas - BB Breazeale (1902)
Diary of Battles, Marches & Incidents of the 7th South Carolina Regiment - JJ McDaniel (1862)
History of the 4th Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers - J Reid (1892)
Rolls & Historical Sketch of the 10th Regiment So. Ca. Volunteers in the Army of the Confederate States - C Walker (1881)
Tentative Roster of the 3rd Regiment South Carolina Volunteers Confederate States Provisional Army - A Salley (1908)
The History of a Brigade of South Carolinians Known First as Greggs & Subsequently as McGowans Brigade - J Caldwell (1866)


A Brief Narrative of the 4th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment - G Guild (1913)
Campaigns & Battles of the 16th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers - T Head (1885)
'Co. Aytch' Maury Grays, 1st Tennessee Regiment, Or, a Side Show of the Big Show - S Watkins (1900)
Hancock's Diary or, A History of the 2nd Tennessee Confederate Cavalry - RR Hancock (1887) History of the 13th Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry - S Scott (1903)
History of the 1st Regiment of Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry in the Great War of the Rebellion - W Carter (1896)
History of the 20th Tennessee Regiment Volunteer Infantry CSA - W McMurray (1904),
Personal Record of the 13th Regiment Tennessee Infantry - A Vaughan (1897])
The Artillery of Nathan Bedford Forrest's Cavalry, the Wizard of the Saddle - J Morton (1909) The Old 19th Tennessee Regiment CSA June 1861 - April 1865 - WJ Worsham (1902)


Hood's Texas Brigade; Its Marches, Battles & Acheivements - JB Polley (1910)
Terry's Texas Rangers - LB Giles (1911)
The Campaign from Texas to Maryland - N Davies (1863)
The Campaigns of Walkers Texas Division - JP Blessington ... (1875)
The Lone Star Defenders A Chronicle of the 3rd Texas Cavalry Ross' Brigade - SB Baron (1908)
Unveiling & Dedication of Monument to Hood's Texas Brigade on the Capitol Grounds at Austin, Texas - F Chilton (1911)


A History of the 10th Regiment, Vermont Volunteers With Biographical Sketches of the Officers Who Fell in Battle - E Haynes (1870)
A Short History of the 14th Vermont Regiment - GG Benedict (1887)
Army Life in Virginia. Letters from the 12th Vermont Regiment & Personal Experiences of Volunteer Service in the War for the Union 1862-63 - G Benedict (1895)
History of the 8th Regiment Vermont Volunteers 1861-65 - G Carpenter (1886)
Pictorial History 13th Regiment Vermont Volunteers War of 1861-65 - R Sturtevant (1910)
Vermont Riflemen in the War For the Union - W Ripley (1883)


A History of the Laurel Brigade, Originally the Ashby Cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia and Chew's Battery - W McDonald (1907)
Bull Run to Bull Run; Or 4 Years in the Army of Northern Virginia - G Baylor (1900)
Historical Sketch of the Nottoway Grays, Afterwards Company G 18th Virginia Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia - R Irby (1878)
History of the 17th Virginia Infantry CSA - G Wise (1870)
History of the 9th Virginia Cavalry in the War Between the States - R Beale (1899)
History of the Doles-Cook Brigade Army of Northern Virginia CSA - HW Thomas (1903)
How a One-Legged Rebel Lives, or, A History of the 52nd Virginia Regiment - J Robson (1876)
Mosbys Rangers a Record of the Operations of the 43rd Battalion of Virginia Cavalry- JJ Williamson (1909)
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry; His Experience & What He Saw During the War 1861-65 - J Worsham (1912)
Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia - Confederate States of America (1887)
The Battle of Williamsburg & the Charge of the 24th Virginia, of Early's Brigade - R Maury (1880)
War History of the Old 1st Virginia Infantry Regiment - CT Loehr (1884)


Autobiography of Dr. Thomas H. Barton Including a History of the 4th Regt. West Va Vol Inf- T Barton (1890)
History of the 12th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry the Part it Took in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65 - W Hewitt (1900)
History of the 2nd Regiment West Virginia Cavalry Volunteers, During the War of the Rebellion - J Sutton (1892)
History of the 5th West Virginia Cavalry, Formerly the 2nd Virginia Infantry, & of Battery G, 1st West Va. Light Artillery - F Reader (1890)


A Narrative of Service With the 3rd Wisconsin Infantry - J Hinckley (1912)
History of the 3rd Regiment Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry - E Bryant (1891)
Service Within the 6th Wisconsin Volunteers - R Davies (1890)
Story of the Service of Company E & the 12th Wisconsin Regiment Veteran Volunteer Infantry - H Rood (1893)
The 36th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry - J Aubery (1900)


Your 3 volume set features a total of 643 books including, the 11 Volume Rebellion Record edited by Frank Moore, 7 Volumes of the Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the US Army, the magnificent 10 volume Photographic History of the Civil War, 272 individual regimental histories, plus additional books as listed above making 643 books in total.This truly comprehensive record of the American Civil War is unique in both is scope and content is unavailable anywhere else! Makes a fantastic gift! An essential resource for any students of American history of this period, Civil War enthusiasts, researchers looking for inforamtion on specific regiments or even individual family members or anyone with an interest in military history or the history of the United States.
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