EMF Shielding & Earthing therapy

Shieldgreen Silveric Earthing Therapy Kit
come with Earthing holder, US Adapter & Pouch

HF (High-frequency electromagnetic fields), LF(Low frequency alternating electrical fields) Shielding & Earthing Therapy Fabric that purity silver pull-out fine fiber twisted cotton yarn (Silveric)

Shieldgreen Earthing Therapy?

Earthing Therapy is a method of matching earthing = ground = potential (voltage) to earth. A health method that removes abruptly rising human potential due to naturally occurring potential differences and exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Grounding: Grounding is the process of neutralizing electrically neutral earth by connecting it to a positively charged human body.

*A 3 Pin US Adapter will be provided for the listing. The adapter's color may be white or black depending on the availability.