Hand Drawn Dandelion Art with a Hidden Inspirational Optical Illusion Message/Quote: “I Wish I Could Show You what I See, because in My Eyes, You are Perfection”

I am a firm believer that there is a deeper meaning to everything that surrounds us. That if we paid attention, the unspoken could be realized. And this energy is translated to my approach to art. Every design created carries a meaningful message that comes into light with a little bit of luck and a little bit of discovery. It becomes quite impactful to realize that there was a powerful message underlying there unnoticed. It is the joy I hope everyone feels when they unlock my art. 

The trick, or solution, to reading the design is to take the stretched and elongated words/letters, and shrinking them to a size that our eyes could better comprehend. This is achieved by viewing the image from an angle, instead of directly on (not as how we would normally read a book). Start by holding the artwork perpendicular to your nose. This is the angle you want to attain to bring out the visibility of the words. It is also easier, in the beginning, to use only one eye until you understand the technique. Imagine if you are looking at the image from your phone, you would discover the hidden message by closing one eye and tilting the phone to read the art from the charge hole. 

Design Title: Hopeful Wishes 

"Love Isn’t About Chasing Perfection, It’s About Finding Something Real" "You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. " 

I would like to believe that falling in love is falling for someone's Idiosyncrasies. People call these things imperfections but they are not. No man, nor woman, is perfect. The only question that matters is, if they are perfect for each other. 

It is the inspiration for this design. 

The background picture, while hiding the quote, attempts to capture a moment when we are looking at our dandelions; getting ready to blow it into the wind, as we finalize our wish. The design tries to recreate this intense moment of silence and tranquility we experience. The instance right before extreme clarity; right before release and relief. And if the wish was deep and meaningful, hopefully it would bring fulfillment and happiness. 

I hope this Valentine piece could bring out that emotion out for whoever you show/give this to.  

Happy early Female Appreciation day. 


The Complete Design or just the iLLusional Quote are both available for purchase. The quote only purchases could either be Black on White background or White on Black background (inverted). All Pricing posted reflects Prints being created on Canvas. The Canvas print is 18 inches by 24 inches (45.72 cm by 60.96 cm) and comes with a wooden framing. 

Also remember, any and all of these quotes you see inside of these pictures could be interchanged. Be sure to look at my “All Inspirational Optical Illusion Quotes” post to view every quote that I have completed so far. If one of these other quotes speaks to you and if you would want them to replace the current quote, just let me know. It would be my honor to be able to custom tailor a design to your preference. 

Once I reach a certain quantity shared for each print, I will discontinue them. I would like to retire that particular design to preserve its beautiful energy by celebrating its success and love from each and every one of you. I would love to then create a very large piece of it and donate it to an art school, a children’s hospital, a nonprofit, or the likes, for the design’s final resting place. It would be a warm milestone to achieve. And I hope to realize this from the support of every inspired visitor. 

Regarding the purchasing of the Original: As with every design, I always start with pencil and paper. I believe by using traditional techniques, it allows me to put my heart and soul in to each design. I am not going to allow the computer and its programs to create my designs for me. That would only take away its essence. The originals that I put up for purchase are all very dear to me. Many of them would contain original minor errors that I had to eventually adjust and clean, including ink blotches, over drawn lines, and the likes. They are definitely different from the designs I brush up for the final work. Each original work purchased will also includes the working .PSD file, which contains my transformation from the original scan to the final piece it is today. You would be able to see my process as well as possess a design piece that is one of a kind. I will also be including a special surprise for all who collects my originals. It is my form of appreciation for the support. 


Inspiration/Story Behind the Art: 

I am now a world traveler, following the path of Magic, Music, and Art. I have left everything material behind in the United States to pursue whatever it is that is missing in my life. To break free from the Financial World and an Asset Driven society; To be in pursuit of something more fulfilling and enlightening. 

My soul felt lost and empty for so long, I needed change. I wanted to enrich the lives of others, not by money, but by more beautiful, intangible means. I wanted to follow a path that radiates joy, emitting and expanding it further than my immediate surroundings, to ultimately allow me to bring positive energy and light into the world we live in today. I want to bring Warmth; Compassion; Empathy. And by following the three disciplines I do now, I hope to gift that Glow to everyone, no matter the language barrier. 

The reason I continue my art, and love what I do, is because I started noticing a sense of joy experienced by individuals upon discovering the secrets of the optical illusion; the realization that there lies something deeper than what they initially saw; that if we change the way we look at things, the things we look at will change. And it is beautiful to see that this joy could then be passed on to others by them. It further confirms that this Artistic Journey needs to survive and progress. 

It is now my duty to make sure that the art will be long-lasting. That it will continue to impact; To inspire; And to spread light to where it is most dark. With that said, I hope to see this journey through to where it will lead me. As long as I have supporters, I would love to spread this good energy as long as I could.