At last there is now a upgraded version of this part which causes so many problems!

The original ford part is designed to just act as a shaft between the lock barrel for the bonnet and the latch release mechanism which opens the bonnet

Ford in their wisdom decided to make the shaft a lot shorter than need be with clips on either end that are designed to hold onto both the latch and bonnet lock and acts as the "drive" between the 2 parts.

The idea was to make the bonnet opening anti tamper so if anyone tried to open or tamper with your bonnet then the original white clip would pop out making it impossible for any would be criminal from opening your bonnet. The negative side is that you as the owner then has to take it to a main dealer and pay 100's to get it opened!

However there is a massive design flaw with this and what actually happens in nearl 100% of cases where the bonnet doesnt open is you go over a speed bump or pothole and the white plastic clip pops out and leaves you in the same predicament and this can happen multiple times over the cars life causing no end of issues and a big drain of money!

However we have had this specially made and unlike the original clip/shaft, this is longer and and fills the extra shaft space in both the bonnet latch and also the lock part. So no amount of movement or going over bumps will dislodge this new upgraded part so there will ALWAYS be drive between the bonnet release mechanism and the bonnet lock so you will ALWAYS be able to open your bonnet!

We have made a diagram at the bottom of this Listing to show exactly how the orginal one works and how our ones works. The image is as if you where looking from above directly down onto the bonnet latch setup.

Simple to replace, and just as easy to fit and original part and costs about the same so you may as well upgade for trouble free bonnet opening for a long time!

This is not a genuine Ford part, but a quality upgraded replacement

 photo FORD BONNET CLIP_zpsnu9lv1cl.jpg