In this exploration of Sampoorna Yoga, you will gain an understanding of the six main systems of Yoga: 
  • Hatha Yoga: The physical practice of Yoga giving you proper health. Yoga postures, breathing, relaxation, proper diet, and positive thinking.
  • Raja Yoga: The study of the mind and how to control it. The science of meditation.
  • Karma Yoga: How to live and act in the world without getting stressed or creating anxiety.
  • Bhakti Yogi: How to purify and elevate your emotions, developing devotion.
  • Gyan Yoga: The science of right inquiry, understanding "Where did I come from?" and "What is the goal and purpose of life?"
  • Nada Yoga: The science of divine vibration, purifying you on all levels and elevating your consciousness

The intelligent integration of these six main systems of Yoga is called Sampoorna Yoga, the Yoga of Fullness. Developed by Shri Yogi Hari, through the practice of Sampoorna Yoga you will experience peace of mind and proper health. 

In this book, Shri Yogi Hari shares with us the fruit of his deep experience and knowledge in the different aspects of yoga. Having practiced Yoga for over 50 years, and having taught for over 40 years, Shri Yogi Hari is an experienced teacher who gives clear and practical explanations about the different paths of yoga and how they can help us to refine our body-mind equipment so that it can reflect our true divine nature. 

About the Author:
Shri Yogi Hari is one of the few living examples of a self-realized, enlightened master. Shri Yogi Hari is of the Sivananda lineage and spent seven years in the Sivananda ashram from 1975-1982. 

Topics included in the book: 
A complete step-by-step Yoga class with detailed instructions and photographs
Preparation and steps leading to meditation
Proper Diet
Karma Yoga: The Path of Action
The Chakra System
What is the mind and how to control it?
Yamas and Niyamas of Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga - the Path of Eight Limbs
Nada Yoga: The Path of Divine Vibration
Guru-disciple relationship
