

A truly unique and wonderful collection of 169 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on DVD DATA DISC covering all aspects of GHOSTS, SPIRITS & HAUNTINGS.


Explore the spirit realm and the supernatural. Read about the origin and history of ghosts, spirits and apparitions. Discover real haunted houses, places and people. Study the idea of life-after-death, reincarnation and the spirit world. Explore the mysteries of psychic phenomena, spirit manifestations, psychomancy, hidden forces the unknown and the unseen. Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in spirits, ghosts and all things supernatural. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


This superb compilation of 169 vintage books on DVD data disc provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages.


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

A book of ghosts - S. Baring-Gould (1904)

A discovery concerning ghosts - G. Cruickshank (1864)

A future life - a critical inquiry into the scientific value of the alleged evidences that man's conscious personality survives the life of the body - S. W. Davis (1907)

A guide to mediumship, and psychical unfoldment - E. Wallis (1901)

A peep into psychomancy - D. B. Turney (1878)

A Relation of Apparitions of Spirits in the County of Monmouth and the Principality of Wales - E. Jones (1912)

A treatise of specters, or, Straunge sights, visions, and apparitions appearing sensibly vnto men - P. le Loyer (1605)

A true ghost story_ or, Three nights in a haunted house, and a brief sketch of superstition by H. L. Scaife (1895)

Adventurings in the psychical - H. A. Bruce (1914)

All men are ghosts - L. P. Jacks (1917)

An essay on apparitions - J. Alderson (1823)

An essay on demonology, ghosts and apparitions, and popular superstitions - J. Thacher (1831)

An Essay on Evil Spirits by W. Carlisle (1827)

An essay on the history and reality of apparitions - D. Defoe (1727)

An essay towards a theory of apparitions - J. Ferriar (1813)

An exposition of views respecting the principal facts, causes, and peculiarities involved in spirit manifestations - A. Ballou (1852)

An historical, physiological and theological treatise of spirits, apparitions, witchcrafts, and other magical practices - J. Beaumont (1705)

Ancient mysteries and modern revelations - W. J. Colville (1916)

Apparitions, a narrative of facts by B. W. Savile (1874)

Apparitions - The mystery of ghosts, hobgoblins and haunted houses - J. Taylor (1815)

Apparitions and thought-transference an examination of the evidence for telepathy - F. Podmore (1894)

Are the dead alive - F. Rider (1901)

Beyond - H. S. Hubbard (1896)

Border ghost stories - H. Pease (1919)

Byways of ghost-land - E. O'Donnell (1911)

Contact with the other world; the latest evidence as to communication with the dead - J. H. Hyslop (1919)

Curious stories - F. O. C. Darley (1867)

Daimonologia, or, A treatise of spirits - J. de Daillon (1723)

De spectris, lemuribus et magnis atque insolitis fragoribus - L. Lavater (1687)

Death and after - A. W. Besant (1914)

Der Kampf um die Materialisations - Phänomene - eine Verteidigunsschrift - F. Von Schrenk-Notzin

Dreams of a spirit-seer - I. Kant (1900)

Enigmas of psychical research - J. H. Hyslop (1906)

Etherology, and the phreno-philosophy of mesmerism and magic eloquence - J. S. Grimes (1850)

Evening tales for the winter; being a selection of wonderful & supernatural stories - H. St. Clair (1856)

Experimental spiritism - A. Kardec (1874)

Fairies - G. M. Faulding (1913)

Fairy circles - tales and legends of giants, dwarfs, fairies, water-sprites and hobgoblins - Villamaria (1877)

Fallacy of ghosts, dreams, and omens; with stories of witchcraft, life-in-death, and monomania - C. Ollier (1848)

Fiends, ghosts, and sprites - including an account of the origin and nature of belief in the supernatural - J. N. Radcliffe (1854)

Footfalls on the boundary of another world - R. D. Owen (1860)

Ghost land, or, Researches into the mysteries of occultism - W. Britten (1876)

Ghost stories - unknown author (1865)

Ghost stories and phantom fancies - J. H. Friswell (1858)

Ghostly phenomena - E. O'Donnell (1910)

Ghosts I have seen and other psychic experiences - V. Tweedale (1919)

Ghosts of London - E. O'Donnell (1922)

Ghosts, devils, angels and sun gods - E. C. Kenny (1891)

Greek and Roman ghost stories - L. Collison-Morley (1912)

Hallucinations and illusions - E. Parish (1897)

Haunted places in England - E. O'Donnell (1919)

Her invisible spirit mate - K. E. Glass (1917)

Historic ghosts and ghost hunters - H. A. Bruce (1908)

How to speak with the dead; a practical handbook - Sciens (1918)

Immortality and our employments hereafter, with what a hundred spirits, good and evil, say of their dwelling places by J. M. Peebles (c1907)

In ghostly Japan - L. Hearn (1900)

Inferences from haunted houses and haunted men - J. W. Harris (1901)

Investigations into the super-physical - A. W. Besant (1913)

Irish witchcraft and demonology - J. D. Seymour (1913)

Karmenia, or, What the spirit told me, truth stranger than fiction - L. E. Stowe (1918)

Legends of gods and ghosts - W. D. Westerwelt (1915)

Life and labor in the spirit world - M. T. Longley (1885)

Life Beyond the Grave Described by a Spirit Through a Writing Medium - Life (1877)

Light from the spirit world - A. J. McBride (1856)

Light from the spirit world - C. Hammond (1852)

Man is a spirit - a collection of spontaneous cases of dream, vision and ecstasy - J. A. Hill (1918)

Marguerite Hunter - a narrative descriptive of life in the material and spiritual spheres - L. S. Bangs (1894)

Masterpieces of mystery - Ghost Stories - J. L. French (1922)

Materialized apparitions - if not beings from another life, what are they - E. A. Brackett (1908)

Metapsychical phenomena - J. Maxwell (1905)

Modern psychical phenomena - H. Carrington (1919)

More glimpses of the world unseen - F. G. Lee (1878)

More haunted houses of London - E. O'Donnell (1920)

Mysteries, or, Glimpses of the supernatural - C. W. Elliot (1852)

Mysterious Psychic Forces - C. Flammarion (1907)

Neither dead nor sleeping - M. W. Sewall (1920)

New lights from the world of darkness - Unknown Author (1802)

Of ghostes and spirites, walking by night - L. Lavatar (1596)

On the threshold of the unseen - W. Barrett (1918)

Our hidden forces (La psychologie inconnue) - an experimental study of the psychic sciences - E. Boirac (1917)

Past feelings renovated, or, Ideas occasioned by the perusal of Dr. Hibbert's Philosophy of apparitions (1828)

Peeps into the psychic world - M. M. Crawford (1915)

Phantasms of the living Vol. 1 - E. Gurney (1886)

Phantasms of the living Vol. 2 - E. Gurney (1886)

Phenomena of materialisation - A. von Schrenck-Notzing (1920)

Posthumous humanity - a study of phantoms - A. D'assier (1887)

Practical psychomancy and crystal gazing - a course of lessons on the psychic phenomena of distant sensing, clairvoyance, psychometry, crystal gazing, etc. - W. Atkinson (1908)

Primitives and the supernatural - L. Levy-Bruhl (1922)

Proofs of the spirit world - L. Chevreuil (1920)

Psychic phenomena, science and immortality - H. Frank (1916)

Psychics - facts and theories - M. J. Savage (1893)

Psychomancy - spirit-rappings and table-tippings exposed - C. G. Page (1853)

Real ghost stories a record of authentic apparitions - W. T. Stead (1891)

Reincarnation - A. W. Besant (1910)

Reincarnation - a study of forgotten truth - E. D. Walker (1888)

Remarkable Apparitions and Ghost Stories - C. S. Day (1848)

Saducismus triumphatus or, Full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions - J. Glanville (1700)

Scenes beyond the grave. Trance of Marietta Davis - M. Davis (1859)

Scottish ghost stories - E. O'Donnell (1911)

Sea phantoms or, Legends and superstitions of the sea and of sailors in all lands and at all times - F. S. Bassett (1892)

Second sight, or, Deuteroscopia - The College of Surgeons of England (1876)

Secret memoirs of the late Mr. Duncan Campbel, the famous deaf and dumb gentleman - D. Defoe (1765)

Seen and unseen - E. K. Bates (1908)

Seership! the magnetic mirror, a practical guide for those who aspire to clairvoyance-absolute - P. B. Randolph (1870)

Signs before death - A record of strange apparitions & remarkable dreams - J. Timbs (1875)

Signs before death and authenticated apparitions - J. Timbs (1825)

Sketches of the philosophy of apparitions - S. Hibbert (1825)

Some haunted houses of England - E. O'Donnell (1908)

Spiritismo, pagine sparse - A. Vecchio (1914)

Spiritualist philosophy, the spirits' book - containing the principles of spiritist doctrine on the immortality of the soul, the nature of spirits and their relations with men - A. Kardec (1875)

Stranger than fiction, being tales from the byways of ghosts and folk-lore - M. L. Lewes (1911)

Studies in the out-lying fields of psychic science - H. Tuttle (1889)

Subjective concepts of humans; source of spiritistic manifestations - J. Donnelly (1922)

Tales of superstition, or Relations of apparitions. Containing the story of Henry Bell, apparition of Sir John Owen, the Danish witches, etc. (1803)

Tales of terror; or, The mysteries of magic - H. St. Clair (1848)

Telepathic hallucinations - the new view of ghosts - F. Podmore (1909)

Terrific tales - I. Lewis (1804)

The angel warriors at Mons - R. Shirley (1915)

The angels of Mons - A. Machen (1915)

The apparition of the Blessed Virgin on the mountains of the Alps (1849)

The Banshee - E. O'Donell (1920)

The best ghost stories - J. L. French (1920)

The best psychic stories - J. L. French (1920)

The book of dreams and ghosts - A. Lang (1897)

The certainty of the world of spirits fully evinced by R. Baxter (1834)

The debatable land between this world and the next - R. D. Owen (1872)

The destiny of the soul. A critical history of the doctrine of a future life - W. R. Alger (1878)

The devils and evil spirits of Babylonia - R. C. Thompson (1903)

The evidence for the supernatural - I. L. Tuckett (1911)

The existence of evil spirits proved by W. Scott (1853)

The ghost world - T. F. Dyer (1893)

The ghosts - R. G. Ingersoll (1878)

The haunted homes and family traditions of Great   Britain - J. H. Ingram (1897)

The history of the supernatural in all ages and nations Vol. 1 - W. Howitt (1863)

The history of the supernatural in all ages and nations Vol. 2 - W. Howitt (1863)

The law of psychic phenomena - T. J. Hudson (1902)

The night-side of nature or Ghosts and ghost seers Vol. 1 - C. Crowe (1868)

The night-side of nature or Ghosts and ghost seers Vol. 2 - C. Crowe (1868)

The Oakland ghost and ancient phenomena, with a review of the Oakland committee - T. B. Clarke (1877)

The occult sciences - the philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles Vol. 1 - E. Salverte (1847)

The occult sciences - the philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles Vol. 2 - E. Salverte (1847)

The open vision - a study of psychic phenomena - H. W. Dresser (1920)

The other world, or, Glimpses of the supernatural Vol. 1 - F. G Lee (1875)

The other world, or, Glimpses of the supernatural Vol. 2 - F. G Lee (1875)

The phantom world, or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, etc. Vol. 1 - A. Calmet (1850)

The phantom world, or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, etc. Vol. 2 - A. Calmet (1850)

The philosophy of mystery - W. C. Dendy (1845)

The philosophy of the supernatural - W. H. Platt (1886)

The Rosicrucian or, Curious things of the outside world - H. Jennings (1863)

The secrets of the invisible world disclos'd - D. Defoe (1729)

The shadow world - H. Garland (1908)

The spirit world - J. Hamilton (1906)

The supernatural - its origin, nature and evolution Vol. 1 - J. H. King (1892)

The supernatural - its origin, nature and evolution Vol. 2 - J. H. King (1892)

The supernatural - L. A. Weatherley (1891)

The supernatural in modern English fiction - D. Scarborough (1917)

The supernatural in relation to the natural - J. M'Cosh (1862)

The unknown - C. Flammarion (1900)

The unknown guest - M. Maeterlinck (1914)

Theory of pneumatology - J. H. Jung-Stilling (1851)

Thoughts on things psychic - W. W. Kenilworth (1911)

True ghost stories - H. Carrington (1915)

True Irish ghost stories - J. D. Seymour (1914)

True tales of the weird - a record of personal experiences of the supernatural - S. Dickinson (1920)

Twenty years' experience as a ghost hunter - E. O'Donnell (1916)

Vedanta philosophy - five lectures on reincarnation - A. Swami (1902)

Visions of the beyond by a seer of to-day, or, Symbolic teachings from the higher life - A. D. Loucks (1877)

Was it a ghost, The murders in Bussey's wood. An extraordinary narrative - H. J. Brent (1868)



An absolute must for anyone with an interest the supernatural, ghosts, spirits and life after death – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the DVD if requested.


Please note that this is a data DVD disc that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but will NOT work on a normal DVD player, X-Box or audio CD player.



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