

A truly unique and wonderful collection of over 200 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on 2 DVD data discs covering all aspects of JESUS, HIS LIFE & TEACHINGS.


Discover the life of Jesus of Nazareth, from his birth in Bethlehem, Southern Judea to his crucifixion in Calvary. Study his teachings, his parables and his prophecies. Read about his commandments, character and divine nature. Explore the holy places, sacred walks, historic events and incidents that occurred during Jesus’ life on earth. Examine Jesus life according to the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud and orthodox traditions. Some of the books contained within this astonishing collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in the life of Jesus, the Holy scriptures and the origins of Christianity. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


This superb compilation of 206 vintage books provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages.


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

A Chronological and Geographical Introduction to the Life of Christ - C. E. Caspari (1876)

A chronological introduction to the history of the church, being a new inquiry into the true dates of the birth and death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - S. Jarvis (1845)

A discourse concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - H. Ditton (1714)

A treatise on the knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ - J. B. Saint-Jure (1875)

A view of Our Blessed Saviour's ministry and the proofs of His divine mission arising from thence Vols. 1& 2 - T. Randolph (1784)

An examination of the testimony of the four evangelists, by the rules of evidence administered in courts of justice. With an account of the trial of Jesus - S. Greenleaf (1846)

An exposition of the parables, and express similitudes of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - B. Keach (1858)

An history of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ Vols. 1 - 4 - J. Priestley (1786)

An outline handbook of the life of Christ from the four Gospels - W. A. Stevens (1892)

Belief in Christ - C. Gore (1922)

Bethlehem - F. W. Faber (1846)

Bible studies in the life of Christ, historical and constructive - H. T. Sell (1902)

Biblical notes and dissertations chiefly intended to confirm and illustrate the doctrine of the Deity of Christ - J. J. Gurney (1833)

Calvary to Pentecost - F. B. Meyer (1894)

Christ among men, or, Characteristics of Jesus, as seen in the Gospel - A. G. Sertillanges (1908)

Christ and Antichrist; or, Jesus of Nazareth proved to be the Messiah and the Papacy proved to be the Antichrist predicted in the Holy Scriptures - S. J. Cassels (1846)

Christ and the Gospel or, Jesus the messiah and son of God - M. Lepin (1910)

Christ and the Jewish law - R. Mackintosh (1886)

Christ dying and drawing sinners to himselfe, or, A survey of our Saviour in his soule-suffering, his lovelynesse in his death, and the efficacie thereof - S. Rutherford (1647)

Christ in all the Scriptures - A. M. Hodgin (1909)

Christ in the poetry of today - M. F. Crow (1917)

Christ in type and prophecy Vols. 1 & 2 - A. J. Maas (1893)

Christ our Saviour - E. White (1895)

Christ, the master speaker - G. Kleiser (1920)

Christology - a dogmatic treatise on the incarnation - J. Pohle (1913)

Christology and personality - W. Sanday (1911)

Christology of the Old Testament, and a commentary on the messianic predictions Vols. 1 - 4 - E. W. Hengstenberg (1861)

Christology, a dogmatic treatise on the Incarnation - J. Pohle (1913)

Christ's object lessons - E. White (1900)

Cochem's life of Christ - M. von Cochem (1913)

Constructive studies in the life of Christ; an aid to historical study and a condensed commentary on the Gospels, for use in advanced Bible classes - E. Burton (1901)

Contemplations and meditations on the passion and death, and on the glorious life of our Lord Jesus Christ - W. H. Eyre (1901)

Contributions to the apocryphal literature of the New Testament, collected and edited from Syriac manuscripts in the British  Museum - W. Wright (1865)

Creation centred in Christ - H. G. Guinness (1896)

Did Jesus live 100 B.C. - an enquiry into the Talmud Jesus stories, the Toldoth Jeschu, and some curious statements of Epiphanius - G. Mead (1903)

Discourses on the Divine unity, or, a scriptural proof and demonstration of the One Supreme Deity of the God and Father of all - W. Christie (1794)

Ecce homo! or, A critical inquiry into the history of Jesus Christ - P. Holbach (1813)

Egypt and Israel; an inquiry into the influence of the more ancient people upon Hebrew history ... and some investigation into the facts and statements made as to Jesus of Nazareth - W. Brewer (1910)

Eusebius, bishop of Cæsarea, on the Theophana or divine manifestation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (1843)

Fragments from Reimarus - consisting of brief critical remarks on the object of Jesus and His disciples as seen in the New Testament - H. S. Reimarus (1879)

Historical atlas and chronology of the life of Jesus Christ - R. M. Hodge (1899)

Historical lectures on the Life of Our Lord, Jesus Christ - C. J. Ellicott (1869)

History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ Vols. 1 & 2 - I. A. Dorner (1878)

Horae solitariae, or, Essays upon some remarkable names and titles of Jesus Christ, occurring in the Old Testament Vols. 1 & 2 - A. Serle (1787)

How to study the life of Christ - A. A. Butler (1903)

Israel my glory, or, Israel's mission, and missions to Israel - J. Wilkinson (1894)

Jesus - C. F. Deems (1868)

Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and the liturgy of the synagogue - G. Dalman (1893)

Jesus Christ Our Saviour's person, mission, and spirit Vol. 1 - H. Didon (1891)

Jesus Christ, the Word incarnate - considerations gathered from the works of ... St. Thomas Aquinas (1904)

Jesus in the Talmud; his personality, his disciples and his sayings - B. Pick (1913)

Jesus of Nazareth His life and teachings; founded on the four Gospels, and illustrated by reference to the manners, customs, religious beliefs, and political institutions of His times - L. Abbott (1869)

Jesus of Nazareth; a biography - G. A. Barton (1922)

Jesus of Nazareth; the story of His life and the scenes of His ministry - W. E. Barton (1903)

Jesus the Christ; a study of the Messiah and His mission according to Holy Scriptures both ancient and modern - J. E. Talmage (1916)

Jesus, the Christ, in the light of psychology Vols. 1 & 2 - G. S. Hall (1917)

Jesus, the last great initiate - E. Schure (1908)

Jesus, the master teacher - H. H. Horne (1920)

Looking unto Jesus; a view of the everlasting gospel - I. Ambrose (1759)

Lux mundi - a series of studies in the religion of the incarnation - C. Gore (1890)

Messianic prophecies - F. Delitszch (1880)

None but Christ, or, The sinner's only hope - R. Boyd (1864)

Notes on the parables of Our Lord - R. C. Trench (1906)

Pagan Christs, studies in comparative hierology - J. M. Robertson (1911)

Practical studies on the parables of Our Lord - B. W. Maturin (1903)

Psychic research and gospel miracles - E. M. Duff (1902)

Remarks on the uses of the definitive article in the Greek text of the New Testament, containing many new proofs of the divinity of Christ - G. Sharp (1803)

Renan's life of Jesus - E. Renan (1897)

St. Bonaventure's Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - Saint Cardinal Bonaventure (1881)

Storia di Cristo - G. Papini (1921)

Story of Bible land - a graphic narrative of inspired events, holy places, sacred walks, together with full historic incidents of the Master's life from Bethlehem to ascension - T. Talmage (1897)

Studies in religion and theology - the church, in idea and in history - A. M. Fairbairn (1910)

Studies in the life and teachings of our Lord - R. A. Torrey (1909)

The Acta Pilati  important testimony of Pontius Pilate, recently discovered, being his official report to the Emperor Tiberius, concerning the crucifixion of Christ - G. Sluter (1879)

The Apocryphal and legendary life of Christ - J. Donehoo (1903)

The aquarian gospel of Jesus the Christ - Levi (1911)

The archeological writings of the Sanhedrim and Talmuds of the Jews - the official documents made in these courts in the days of Jesus Christ - W. D. Mahan (1913)

The ascension and heavenly priesthood of Our Lord - W. Milligan (1892)

The childhood of Jesus Christ - H. Van Dyke (1905)

The Christ - a critical review and analysis of the evidences of His existence - J. E. Remsburg (1909)

The Christ myth - A. Drews (1910)

The Christ of the forty days - A. B. Simpson (1890)

The Christ, the son of God, a life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Vols. 1 & 2 - C. H. Fouard (1905)

The Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews - H. L. MacNeill (1914)

The clock of the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - A. Liguori (1864)

The commandments of Jesus - R. F. Horton (1905)

The comprehensive critical and explanatory Bible encyclopaedia - E. Robinson (1881)

The crises of the Christ - G. C. Morgan (1903)

The crucifixion - a narrative of Jesus' last week on earth - W. T. Stead (1900)

The crucifixion, by an eye-witness; a letter, written seven years after the crucifixion - J. E. Richardson (1915)

The days of His Flesh, the earthly life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - D. Smith (1914)

The Death and resurrection of Jesus - S. Baring-Gould (1888)

The divine human in the Scriptures - T. Lewis (1860)

The divinity of Christ in the gospel of John - A. T. Robertson (1916)

The divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - H. P. Lidden (1867)

The doctrine of the person of Jesus Christ - H. R. Mackintosh (1912)

The earliest life of Christ ever compiled from the four Gospels, being the Diatessaron of Tatian (circ. A.D. 160) - J. Hill (1910)

The final Passover, a series of meditations upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ Vols. 1 - 3 - R. M. Benson (1893)

The glories of Christ - T. Goodwin (1817)

The Gospel of the Resurrection, thoughts on its relation to reason and history - B. F. Westcott (1891)

The gospels in art; the life of Christ by great painters from Fra Angelico to Holman Hunt - W. S. Sparrow (1904)

The great exemplar of sanctity and holy life according to the Christian institution - J. Taylor (1653)

The hidden years at Nazareth - G. C. Morgan (1898)

The historical Christ, or, An investigation of the views of Mr. J.M. Robertson, Dr. A. Drews, and Prof. W.B. Smith - F. C. Conybeare (1914)

The historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ - K. Lake (1907)

The historical Jesus and mythical Christ - G. Massey (1887)

The historical Jesus and the theological Christ - J. E. Carpenter (1911)

The historical Jesus, a survey of positions - J. M. Robertson (1916)

The history of Christianity - J. S. Abbott (1872)

The history of Jesus of Nazara - considered in its connection with the national life of Israel, and related in detail Vols. 1 - 6 - T. Keim (1873)

The history of our Lord as exemplified in works of art Vols. 1 & 2 - A. Jameson (1890)

The history of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at Vols. 1 & 2 - E. A. Budge (1899)

The history of the passion and resurrection of our Lord, considered in the light of modern criticism - F. L. Steinmeyer (1879)

The humiliation of Christ in its physical, ethical and official aspects - A. B. Bruce (1899)

The imitation of Christ - W. Little (1893)

The incarnation of the Son of God - C. Gore (1891)

The Jesus problem; a restatement of the myth theory - J. M. Robertson (1917)

The kingdom of God; or, Christ's teaching according to the synoptical gospels - A. B. Bruce (1890)

The last twelve verses of the gospel according to S. Mark, vindicated against recent critical objectors and established - J. W. Burgon (1871)

The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth - T. Jefferson (1904)

The life and teachings of Jesus, according to the earliest records - C. F. Kent (1913)

The life and times of Jesus the Messiah Vols. 1 & 2 - A. Edersheim (1886)

The life and words of Christ Vols. 1 & 2 - J. C. Geikie (1879)

The life of Christ - F. W. Farrar (1875)

The life of Christ - J. E. Mullett (1913)

The life of Christ as represented in art - F. Farrar (1894)

The Life of Christ Vols. 1 - 3 - B. Weiss (1893)

The life of Christ Vols. 1 - 3 - E. Le Camus (1906)

The life of Christ Vols. 1 - 3 - W. Hanna (1876)

The life of Jesus - E. Renan (1891)

The life of Jesus Christ - J. Stalker (1909)

The life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel history - A. J. Maas (1891)

The life of Jesus critically examined - D. F. Strauss (1902)

The life of Jesus, the Christ - H. W. Beecher (1872)

The life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; together with the lives of his holy apostles, evangelists, and other primitive martyrs, and a dissertation on the evidences of Christianity - J. Fleetwood (1861)

The life of Our Lord Jesus Christ - L. Veuillot (1878)

The life, doctrine, and sufferings of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as recorded by the four Evangelists - H. Rutter (1845)

The man of Galilee - a biographical study of the life of Jesus Christ - F. W. Gunsaulus (1899)

The manliness of Christ - T. Hughes (1880)

The marriage in Cana of Galilee - H. Macmillan (1882)

The martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth - a historic-critical treatise on the last chapters of the gospel - I. M. Wise (1874)

The medallic portraits of Christ, The false shekels, The thirty pieces of silver - G. F. Hill (1920)

The message of the parables - J. F. MacFadyen (1879)

The miracles in St. John's Gospel and their teaching on eternal life - T. W. Gilbert (1922)

The miracles of Jesus vindicated - Z. Pearce (1729)

The miraculous element in the Gospels - A. B. Bruce (1899)

The Moslem Christ, an essay on the life, character, and teachings of Jesus Christ according to the Koran and orthodox tradition - S. M. Zwemer (1912)

The mystery of the kingdom of God - the secret of Jesus' messiahship and passion - A. Schweitzer (1914)

The mythical interpretation of the Gospels; critical studies in the historic narratives - T. J. Thorburn (1916)

The nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ - A. K. Emmerich (1899)

The parables of Jesus - A. Nevin (1881)

The parables of Jesus - P. Coghlan (1918)

The parables of the Gospel, an exegetical and practical explanation - L. Fonck (1914)

The parabolic teaching of Christ - a systematic and critical study of the parables of our Lord - A. B. Bruce (1913)

The Passion and glory of Christ - a commentary on the events from the Last Supper to the Ascension - F. X. Poelzl (1919)

The passion and the death of Jesus Christ - Saint Alfonso Maria de' Liguori (1887)

The Person of Christ - the perfection of his humanity viewed as a proof of his divinity - P. Schaff (1880)

The personality of Christ - A. Vonier (1915)

The pharisees and Jesus - A. T. Robertson (1920)

The Precious Blood or, The price of our salvation - F. W. Faber (1860)

The Prince of the house of David; or, Three years in the Holy City - J. H. Ingraham (1858)

The principles of Jesus, applied to some questions of today - R. E. Speer (1902)

The prophet of Nazareth - N. Schmidt (1905)

The silver cross; or, The Carpenter of Nazareth; a tale of Jerusalem - E. Sue (1909)

The story of Christ - G. Papini (1921)

The Syrian Christ - A. M. Ribhany (1919)

The teaching of Jesus about the future - H. B. Sharman (1909)

The teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom  of God and the Church - G. Vos (1903)

The tragedy of Calvary, or the minute details of Christ's life from Palm Sunday morning till the resurrection and ascension taken prophecy, history, revelations and ancient writings - J. L. Meagher (1905)

The trial and death of Jesus Christ - J. Stalker (1894)

The trial of Jesus - G. Rosadi (1905)

The unknown life of Jesus Christ - N. Notovitch (1916)

The witnesses to the historicity of Jesus - A. Drews (1912)

The words of Jesus considered in the light of post-Biblical Jewish writings and the Aramaic language - G. Dalman (1902)

The words of the Lord Jesus Vol. 1 - R. Stier (1872)

What did Jesus teach - an examination of the educational material and method of the master - F. P. Graves (1919)

Who was Jesus - C. F. Deems (1880)



An absolute must for anyone with an interest the life of Jesus, the origins of Christianity and the roots of the Christian faith – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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Please note that these are data DVD discs that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. They will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but will NOT work on a normal DVD player, X-Box or audio CD player.



** Main photo is for illustration purposes only – other photos are example pages from the books included on the disc **


Please check our other items for lots more rare specialist book collections including:

-         The Antique Bible Collection

-         The Lost, Secret & Forbidden Books of the Bible

& loads more!


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