

A truly unique and stunning collection of over 150 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on DVD DATA DISC covering the HISTORY OF PRINTING and all aspects of the earliest PRINTED BOOKS!


Discover the origin of printing and the earliest printed books - from William Caxton and Johannes Gutenberg to the early 1900’s. Study the earliest printers and print presses, from Oxford and Westminster, to Europe and North America. Read about the invention and progress of printing throughout the ages. This wonderful collection also includes antique specimen books and catalogs from several type founders, providing 1,000’s of examples of fonts and styles from years gone by. The discovery of printing sparked a literary revolution and no doubt helped to shape the world in which we live. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, this is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in the history of books, printing and type founding.


This superb compilation of 159 vintage books, documents and catalogs on DVD data disc provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English with several additional texts in French and German.


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

A bibliography of printing - with notes and illustrations Vols. 1 - 3 - E. C. Bigmore (1880)

A brief history of printing in America, - F. W. Hamilton (1918)

A brief history of printing in England, a short history of printing in England from Caxton to the present time - F. W. Hamilton (1918)

A brief survey of printing - history and practice - S. Morison (1923)

A catalogue of books printed by (or ascribed to the press of) William Caxton - W. Blades (1865)

A catalogue of the English books printed before MDCI, now in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge - R. Sinker (1885)

A concise history of the origin and progress of printing - P. Luckombe (1770)

A guide to the exhibition in the King's library illustrating the history of printing, music-printing and bookbinding (1913)

A handy-book about books, for book-lovers, book-buyers, and book-sellers - J. Power (1870)

A history of printing in colonial Maryland, 1686-1776 - L. C. Wroth (1922)

A history of the Cambridge university press 1521-1921 - S. C. Roberts (1921)

A history of the old English letter foundries - T. B. Reed (1887)

A list of medals, jettons, tokens, etc - in connection with printers and the art of printing - A. Blades (1869)

A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short description of the press  - S. C. Cockerell (1898)

A printer's paradise, the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp (1888)

A royal craft; being notes on the history & progress of printing - F. Ellis (1911)

A short history of English printing, 1476-1900 - H. R. Plomer (1915)

A short history of English printing, 1476-1898 - H. R. Plomer (1900)

A short history of the art of printing in England - A. Powell (1877)

A specimen of printing types - W. Caslon (1785)

A typographical gazetteer - H. Cotton (1831)

Abridged specimen book, type - Keystone Type Foundry (1906)

American dictionary of printing and bookmaking (1894)

American line type book, borders, ornaments, price list printing material and machinery - Daystrom Inc. (1906)

American specimen book of type styles - American Type Founders (1912)

An historical essay on the origin of printing - C. La Serna Santander (1819)

An index of such English books, printed before the year MDC., as are now in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth - S. Roffey (1845)

An outline of the history of printing to which is added the history of printing in colours - R. A. Peddie (1917)

Annals of Parisian typography - containing an account of the earliest typographical establishments of Paris - W. Greswell (1818)

Annals of Scottish printing from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century - R. Dickson (1890)

Book of type specimens - Barnhart, bros. & Spindler (1907)

Books in chains, and other bibliographical papers - W. Blades (1892)

Cantor lectures on the history and practice of the art of printing - R. A. Peddie (1915)

Catalogue and book of specimens of type faces and printing material and machinery - Cleveland Type Foundry (1895)

Catalogue of the loan collection of antiquities, curiosities, and appliances connected with the art of printing - Caxton Celebration, London, 1877

Caxton and the art of printing - unknown author (1852)

Chapters on English printing, prosody, and pronunciation (1550-1700) - B. Dam (1902)

Copper alloy type book, comprising newspaper, book, and display types, borders and ornaments - Pettingill & Co. (1901)

Die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst durch Johann Gensfleisch gen Vols. 1 - 3 - K. A. Schaab (1855)

Early English printed books in the University Library, Cambridge (1475 to 1640) Vols. 1 - 3 - C. Sayle (1900)

Early printed books - E. G. Duff (1893)

Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anecdote - C. H. Tinperley (1842)

Fac-similes illustrating the labours of William Caxton at Westminster, and the introduction of printing into England - F. C. Price (1877)

Fifteenth century English books; a bibliography of books and documents printed in England and of books for the English market printed abroad - E. G. Duff (1917)

Fifteenth-century books, a guide to their identification - R. A. Peddie (1913)

Fine books - A. W. Pollard (1912)

Five black arts - a popular account of the history, processes of manufacture, and uses of printing, pottery, glass, gas-light, iron. - W. T. Coggeshall (1861)

From xylographs to lead molds; AD 1440, AD 1921 (1921)

Gutenberg was he the inventor of printing - an historical investigation embodying a criticism of Dr. van der Linde's Gutenberg - J. Hessels (1882)

Gutenberg, and the art of printing - E. C. Pearson (1871)

Hand-lists of books printed by London printers, 1501-1556 - E. G. Duff (1915)

Histoire de l'invention de l'imprimerie par les monuments - L. Vieillard-Duverger (1840)

Historic printing types - T. L. de Vinne (1886)

How to make type talk - B. J. Lewis (1914)

John Baskerville, type-founder and printer, 1706-1775 - J. Benton (1914)

John Foster, the earliest American engraver and the first Boston printer - S. A. Green (1909)

John Gutenberg, first master printer - F. Dingelstedt (1860)

L'art du livre; étude sur quelques-uns des dernières créations en typographie, ornamentation de textes, et reliure, exécutées en Europe et en Amérique - C. Holm (1914)

Les imprimeurs lillois; bibliographie des impressions lilloises, 1595-1700 - J. Houdoy (1879)

Life in old Dublin, historical associations of Cook street, three centuries of Dublin printing, reminiscences of a great tribune - J. Collins (1913)

Modern fine printing in England and Mr. Bruce Rogers - A. W. Pollard (1916)

Modern type display and the use of type ornament - H. T. Wyse (1911)

Moore's historical, biographical, and miscellaneous gatherings, in the form of disconnected notes relative to printers, printing ... - J. W. Moore (1886)

New specimen book - Palmer & Rey (1884)

Oxford books; a bibliography of printed works relating to the University and City of Oxford or printed or published there Vols. 2 & 3 - F. Madan (1895)

Price list of job fonts - weight fonts of body type, weight fonts of job type - American Type Founders Company (1922)

Principia typographica. The block-books, or xylographic delineations of scripture history Vols. 1 - 3 - S. L. Sotheby (1858)

Printers and printing in Providence, 1762-1907 (1907)

Printing. An essay by William Morris & Emery Walker (1903)

Printing - a practical treatise on the art of typography as applied more particularly to the printing of books - C. T. jacobi (1904)

Printing and the renaissance - J. R. Slater (1921)

Printing and writing materials, their evolution - A. M. Smith (1904)

Printing at Brescia in the fifteenth century, a list of the issues - R. A. Peddie (1905)

Printing its birth and growth - W. Jaggard (1908)

Printing type specimens, comprising a large variety of book and jobbing faces, borders and ornaments - Miller & Richard (1921)

Printing types, their history, forms, and use Vols. 1 & 2 - D. B. Updike (1922)

R & A specimens - Rand Avery & Co. (1865)

Reminiscences of editors, reports, and printers, during the last sixty years - A. Aird (1890)

Selections from the specimen book of the Fann Street Foundry (1874)

Some account of the Oxford University Press, 1468-1921 - Oxford University Press (1922)

Some early type specimen books of England, Holland, France, Italy, and Germany - W. Blades (1875)

Some notes on books and printing; a guide for authors and others - C. T. Jacobi (1892)

Some notes on early woodcut books, with a chapter on illuminated manuscripts - W. Morris (1902)

Specimen book and catalog, a price list of printers' supplies - Inland Type Foundry (1907)

Specimen book of the Norwood Press, showing samples of hand and machine type equipment and presswork in black and colors (1916)

Specimens of borders and ornaments, cuts, and brass rules - American Type founders Co. (1907)

Specimens of chromatic wood type, borders, etc. manufactured by Wm. H. Page & Co. (1874)

Specimens of point line type - borders ornaments brass rules etc, etc. - Stephenson, Blake and Company, Ltd (1908)

Specimens of printing types - American Type Founders Co. (1897)

Specimens of printing types - ornaments, borders, corners, rules, emblems, initials, etc. - MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Co. (1892)

Specimens of type, borders, ornaments, brass rules and cuts, etc. - American Type Founders Co. (1897)

Stephen Daye and his successors, the establishment of a printing plant in what was formerly British North America (1921)

The alphabet - fifteen interpretative designs drawn and arranged with explanatory text and illustrations - F. W. Goudy (1918)

The art & practice of typography - E. G. Gress (1917)

The art and craft of printing - W. Morris (1902)

The art of printing - T. O. Summers (1871)

The art of the book - C. Holme (1914)

The biography and typography of William Caxton, England's first printer - W. Blades (1877)

The book, its history and development - C. Davenport (1907)

The book, its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present time - H. Bouchot (1890)

The boy and the book - unknown author (1845)

The Cambridge Press, 1638-1692; a history of the first printing press established in English America - R. F. Roden (1905)

The Cincinnati Type Foundry Co's specimen and price-list (1870)

The corrector of the press in the early days of printing - D. C. McMurtrie (1922)

The Didot family - extracted from the forthcoming Bibliography of printing - E. C. Bigmore (1878)

The early English press, 1477-1500 - S. Livingston (1901)

The early Oxford Press - a bibliography of printing and publishing at Oxford, 1468-1640 - F. Madan (1895)

The first Paris press. An account of the books printed for G. Fichet and J. Heynlin in the Sorbonne, 1470-1472 - A. Claudin (1898)

The first printers of Chicago, with a bibliography of the issues of the Chicago press 1836-1850 - D. C. McMurtie (1921)

The golden book - a history of printing and bookmaking - D. C. McMurtrie (1921)

The Gutenberg fiction; a critical examination of the documents relating to Gutenberg, showing that he was not the inventor of printing - J. Hessels (1912)

The Haarlem legend of the invention of printing - A. Linde (1871)

The history of printing - unknown author (1855)

The history of printing in America Vols. 1 & 2 - I. Thomas (1810)

The history of printing in America - I. Thomas (1874)

The introduction of printing into Canada, a brief history - A. Fauteux (1920)

The invention of printing - T. De Vinne (1878)

The life and times of James Catnach - (late of Seven Dials), ballad monger - C. Hindley (1878)

The makers of Hebrew books in Italy; being chapters in the history of the Hebrew printing press - D. W. Amram (1909)

The monotype specimen book of type faces - Lanston Monotype Machine Company (1922)

The New-England primer - a history of its origin and development - P. L. Ford (1897)

The origin of printing - W. Bowyer (1776)

The Pilgrim press - a bibliographical & historical memorial of the books printed at Leyden by the Pilgrim Fathers - J. R. Harris (1922)

The Plimpton Press year book; an exhibit of versatility - Plimpton Press (1911)

The practice of typography - a treatise on the processes of type-making, the point system, the names, sizes, styles and prices of plain printing types - T. L. de Vinne (1900)

The printed book - H. G. Aldis (1916)

The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time - H. Bouchot (1887)

The printers, stationers and bookbinders of Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535 - E. G. Duff (1906)

The roman and italic printing types in the printing house of Theodore L. De Vinne & Co. (1891)

The signature of Gutenberg - P. de Villiers (1878)

The story of books - G. B. Rawlings (1906)

The story of William Caxton - S. Cunnington (1917)

The typography of advertisements that pay, how to choose and combine type faces - G. P. Farrar (1917)

The Venetian printing press - H. F. Brown (1891)

The woodcutters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century - W. Conway (1884)

Third revised specimen book and price list of printing material - Palmer & Rey (1887)

Type lore - popular fonts of today, their origin and use; the history of the art of typography succinctly related for practical men - J. L. Frazier (1922)

Types of the De Vinne press - De Vinne Press (1907)

Typografie als Kunst - P. Renner (1922)

Typographia, or, The printer's instructor - a brief sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the typographic art  - T. F. Adams (1853)

Typographical antiquities; or the history of printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland Vols. 1 - 4 - J. Ames (1810)

William Caxton, the first English printer - a biography - C. Knight (1877)

William Caxton; the first English printer - J. N. Emra (1877)

Working with Type - C. Whitehill (1921)



An absolute must for anyone with an interest in the history of books and printing as well as type and type founding – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices.


For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the DVD if requested.


Please note that this is a data DVD disc that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but will NOT work on a normal DVD player, X-Box or audio CD player.



** Main photo is for illustration purposes only – other photos are example pages from the books included on the disc **


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