

A truly unique and wonderful collection of over 200 rare, out-of-print books, guides and design manuals compiled together for the first time on DVD DATA DISC covering all aspects of EMBROIDERY & NEEDLEWORK.


Whether you’re a collector of antique embroideries or an enthusiast simply looking for vintage patterns and design ideas, this is a virtual treasure trove of information that is an absolute must for any embroidery and needlework enthusiast. Discover the history of embroidery throughout the ages and browse fascinating antique artwork and vintage creations. Study the vast collection of patterns and designs contained in the instruction guides and re-create these stunning vintage pieces yourself. Learn about decorative needlework and various artistic embroideries including; Jacobean crewel work, Hardanger embroidery, Kensington, applique, cretonne, roman, cross-stitch, outline, old English and many others. Explore stitch patterns, designs and instructions for silk-work, fancy needle-work, canvas-work, netting, crochet, doylies, centre-pieces and much more!


Some of the books and guides within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material and design ideas. Overall, this is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in embroidery, needlework and fancy handicrafts. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


This superb compilation of 213 vintage books, guides and design manuals on DVD data disc provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English with several additional texts in French, German and Italian (see the full list of titles for details).


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

A book of old embroidery - A. F. Kendrick (1921)

A book of old embroidery - C. G. Holme (1921)

A choice collection of patterns for needle-work - W. A. Pungs (1880)

A descriptive catalogue of the collections of tapestry and embroidery in the South Kensington Museum (1888)

A history of furniture, with chapters on tapestry, oriental embroidery and leather work by A. Jacquemart (1907)

A lady's book on art embroidery in silk, with engraved patterns - G. C. Perkins (1886)

A manual of needlework, knitting and cutting out for evening continuation schools - E. Rosevear (1894)

A manual of plain needlework and cutting-out - E. G. Jones (1886)

A text-book of needlework, knitting and cutting out - with methods of teaching - E. Rosevear (1893)

A treatise on embroidery - with twenty color illustrations from original models - Heminway, M., & sons silk co. (1907)

A treatise on embroidery, crochet and knitting by G. Perkins (1899)

A treatise on lace-making, embroidery, and needle-work with Irish flax threads Vols. 2 - 7 by M. E. Bradford (1892)

Abridged illustrated catalogue of art furniture, hangings and embroidery manufactured by Jones & Willis. (1889)

Album de broderies au point de croix Vols. 1 & 2 - T. de Dillmont (1890)

Alphabete für die Stickerin; Buchstaben, Monogramme, Ziffern und Ornamente, nach gezählten Fäden zu sticken und Muster mit Bausen für Weiss-Stickerei - T. de Dillmont (1900)

An embroidery book - A. K. Arthur (1920)

An embroidery pattern book - M. E. Waring (1917)

Andreas Bretschneider's neues Modelbuch 1619 - A. Bretschneider (1892)

Art embroidery - a treatise on the revived practice of decorative needlework - M. S. Lockwood (1878)

Art in needlework, a book about embroidery - L. F. Day (1900)

Art needlework. A complete manual of embroidery in silks and crewels, with full instructions as to stitches, materials, and implements (1882)

Art needlework - Brainerd & Armstrong co. (1893)

Artistic embroidery - containing practical instructions in the ornamental branches of needlework - E. R. Church (1880)

Art-needlework for decorative embroidery - E. Savage (1879)

Brief guide to the Persian embroideries - L. Ashton (1921)

Briggs & Co.'s patent transferring papers - patented for the United States of America - Briggs & Co. (1880)

Briggs' patent transferring designs - Briggs & Co. (1880)

Cantor lectures on the arts of tapestry making and embroidery - A. S. Cole (1886)

Catalogue of Algerian embroideries - Victoria and Albert Museum. Dept. of Textiles (1915)

Catalogue of art needlework of quality - Emma Louise Art Shop (1914)

Chats on old lace and needlework - E. L. Lowes (1919)

Church embroidery - A. Dryden (1911)

Church Embroidery - Ancient and Modern - A. M. Dolby (1867)

Church needlework - a manual of practical instruction - H. M. Hands (1907)

Church needlework, with practical remarks on its arrangement and preparation - M. Lambert (1844)

Clark's O. N. T. book of needlework - Clark thread company (1916)

Colbert embroideries - T. de Dillmont (1918)

Complete guide to the work-table, containing instructions in Berlin work, crochet, drawn-thread work, embroidery, knitting, knotting (1884)

Corticelli Home Needlework - L. B. Wilson (1898)

Craftsman fabrics and needlework from the Craftsman workshops - G. Stickley (1906-07)

Cross-stitch embroidery H. C. Wilkie (1899)

Dainty work for pleasure and profit - A. E. Heron (1891)

Decorative needlework - M. Morris (1893)

Decorative textiles - G. L. Hunter (1918)

Designing for art-needlework G. Von Horvath (1915)

Designs for Hardanger embroidery - E. Peterson (1904)

Designs in outline for art-needlework - L. P. Hale (1879)

Die tüchtige Hausfrau - ein praktisches Nachschlagebuch Vols. 1 & 2 - A. Steimann (1913)

Directions for making French raised worsted work - H. B. Ellis (1880)

Doyley and centre-piece book - Brainerd & Armstrong Co. (1896)

Doylies - A. W. Richards (1893)

Drawn thread work - 1st series - T. de Dillmont (1912)

Drawn thread work - 2nd series - T. de Dillmont (1920)

Educational needlecraft - M. Goodrum (1911)

Elementary embroidery - M. Antrobus (1915)

Embroideries and laces, values that sell - season 1913 - Gordon, Mackay & Co. (1913)

Embroideries by the peasant women of Smolensk executed under the direction of Princess Marie Ténichev - D. Roche (1898)

Embroidery - a collection of articles on subjects connected with the study of fine needlework, including stitches, materials, methods of work, and designing, and history - G. Christie (1909)

Embroidery and decorative stitches - Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences (1916)

Embroidery and fancy work, containing directions for embroidering, painting, modelling, carving, etc. - Belford, Clarke & Co. (1899)

Embroidery and lace; their manufacture and history from the remotest antiquity to the present day. A handbook for amateurs, collectors, and general readers by E. Lefebure (1888)

Embroidery and tapestry weaving - a practical textbook of design and workmanship - G. Christie (1906)

Embroidery and textile designs (1875)

Embroidery design collection - E. Read (1898)

Embroidery designs (1850)

Embroidery hints - Fall and Winter 1910 - New York Embroidery House (1910)

Embroidery lessons with colored studies, 1908  latest and most complete book on the subject of silk embroidery and popular fancy work - Brainerd & Armstrong Co. (1907)

Embroidery on net - T. de Dillmont (1912)

Embroidery patterns (1730)

Embroidery silks - Brainerd & Armstrong Co. (1900)

Embroidery stitches - M. Wilkinson (1912)

Embroidery work of every description - Paragon Embroidery Co. (1910)

Embroidery; or, The craft of the needle - W. Townsend (1908)

Encyclopedia of needlework - T. de Dillmont (1890)

English embroidery - A. F. Kendrick (1905)

Exhibition of English embroidery executed prior to the middle of the XVI century - Burlington Fine Arts Club (1905)

Eyelet embroidery and its future possibilities - M. Heminway & sons silk co (1905)

Fancy work for pleasure and profit - A. E. Heron (1905)

Fine hand embroidery - Janon Co. (1914)

Florence home needle-work - Nonotuck Silk Company (1896)

Hand-book - J. W. Thompson (1886)

Handbook of embroidery - L. Higgin (1880)

Hand-book of embroidery - Mason, Perry & Co. (1880)

Handicraft for girls - I. McGlauflin (1910) embroidery - M. Koch (1904)

Hardanger art needle work - C. E. Bye (1904)

Home decoration art needle-work and embroidery - J. E. Ruutz-Rees (1881)

Home handicrafts, needlework and repairs - unknown author (1900)

How to work embroidery stitches, a practical method with 69 illustrations - M. Cartier-Bresson (1909)

I singolari e nuovi disegni per lavori di bianchería - F. Vincilio (1909)

Il Burato - libro de recami - A. Paganini (1909)

Ingalls' manual of fancy work - J. F. Ingalls (1882)

Jacobean crewel work and traditional designs - Penelope (1900)

Jacobean embroidery, its forms and fillings including late Tudor - A. W. Fitzwilliam (1912)

La broderie blanche - C. Cousine (1892)

La vera perfezione del disegno per punti e recami; riproduzione della edizione di Venezia del 1561 dall'esemplare della Biblioteca Corsiniana in Roma - G. Ostaus (1909)

Ladies' fancy work - J. F. Ingalls (1885)

Ladies' manual of embroidery and stamping. Giving full instructions in making the stitches - F. Trifet (1884)

Ladies's work for pleasure and profit - A. E. Heron (1894)

L'Art dans la lingerie - dessins de broderie - G. Mesureur (1867)

L'art du brodeur C. G. de Saint-Aubin (1770)

Le Filet brodé - T. de Dillmont (1900)

Les arts du tissu - G. Migeon (1909)

Les dentelles à l'aiguille (Première série) - T. de Dillmont (1893)

Les singvliers et novveavx povrtraicts - F. Vinciolo (1589)

Lessons in fancy work - L. Y. Sandford (1885)

Libro primo de rechami p elquale se impara in diuersi modi l'ordine e il modo de recamare - A. Paganino (1878)

Manual of needlework. Teaching how to do Kensington, applique, cretonne, roman, cross-stitch, outline and other embroideries - J. L. Patten (1883)

Mee's companion to the work-table, containing selections in knitting, netting, and crochet work - C. Mee (1844)

Modern embroidery - M. Hogarth (1921)

Modes et dessins de broderie  Madame d'A... 2d année (1818)

Motifs de broderie copte Vols. 1 - 3 - T. de Dillmont (1900)

Motifs for embroideries Vol. 6 - T. de Dillmont (1919)

Motifs pour broderies. (IIIme série) T. de Dillmont (1900)

Motifs pour broderies Vol. 1 - T. de Dillmont (1922)

Mottoes and designs for embroidery, on perforated card board (1875)

Mrs. Leach's fancy work basket - C. Leach (1884)

Muster altdeutscher Leinenstickerei  IV - J. Lessing (1888)

Muster altitalienischer Leinenstickrei Vols. 1 & 2 - F. Lipperheide (1881)

Needle painting; or landscape embroidery - L. D. Shears (1885)

Needlecraft - E. A. Archer (1911)

Needle-point furniture - H.E. Anderson Upholstery Shoppe (1914)

Needlework as art - M. Alford (1886)

Needlework through the ages - M. S. Antrobus (1922)

Needlework without specimens - the modern book of school needlework - E. P. Claydon (1900)

Neue Muster zum Sticken und Weben, oder, Versuch Mahlerei mit Strickkunst - E. Berrin (1800)

New patterns for embroidering - alphabets Vols. 1 - 4 (1910)

Norwegian drawn work (Hardanger) - A. M. Porter (1905)

Old and new designs in crochet work - S. T. Lacroix (1900)

Old English embroidery, its technique and symbolism - A. St. Aubyn (1894)

Outlines of instruction in the needleworking trade - J. V. Lynn (1922)

Patrons de broderie et de lingerie du XVIe siècle - H. Cocheris (1872)

Patterns for needle work, including the various kinds of embroidery, lace-work, etc., with diagrams showing the methods of making the various stitches - Pattern Publishing Co. New York (1882)

Plain needlework, knitting, and mending, for all, at home and in schools - L. P. Hale (1879)

Points d'anciennes broderies anglaises - L. Pesel (1909)

Premium art book - Richardson Silk Co. (1908)

Progressive lessons in the art and practice of needlework for use in schools - C. F. Johnson (1893)

Raffia embroidery on art burlaps and how it is done -  H.B. Wiggin's Sons Co. (1904)

Ribbon and fabric trimmings - a variety of appropriate dress trimmings that can be made from ribbon and fabric, with directions for their making (1922)

Sample book of French embroidery, 1850 (1850)

Samplers and stitches; a handbook of the embroiderer's art - G. Christie (1921)

Sewing - handicraft for girls; a graded course for city and rural schools - I. McGlauflin (1918)

Sewing for girls' club work Vol. 2 - O. Powell (1919)

Sewing for the sanctuary - Order of Saint Veronica (1922)

Singer instructions for art embroidery - Singer sewing machine co. (1911)

Stitch patterns & design for embroidery - A. Brandon-Jones (1919)

Swedish textiles - E. Von Walterstorff (1921)

Swiss embroidery and lace industry by W. A. G. Clark (1908)

T.B.C. instructions and designs for Hardanger of Norwegian embroidery - Buettner, T. & co (1915)

Tapisseries, broderies et dentelles; recueil de modeles anciens et modernes - E. Muntz (1890)

Text-book on domestic art, with illustrations and drafts - C. C. Ingalls (1911)

The art of needle-work, from the earliest ages, including some notices of the ancient historical tapestries - E. Stone (1840)

The cult of the needle - F. Klickmann (1915)

The development of embroidery in America - C. Wheeler (1921)

The dictionary of needlework, an encyclopaedia of artistic, plain, and fancy needlework Vol. 1 - 6 - S. Caulfeild (1890)

The dictionary of needlework, an encyclopædia of artistic, plain, and fancy needlework, Church embroidery, lace, and ornamental needlework - S. Caulfield (1882)

The embroiderer's book of design - F. Dellamotte (1891)

The embroidery guide - H. Marvin (1910)

The handbook of needlework - M. Lambert (1842)

The history of English secular embroidery - M. Jourdain (1912)

The illuminated book of needlework - comprising knitting, netting, crochet, and embroidery - H. Owen (1847)

The international encyclopedia of scientific tailor principles, for all kinds and styles of garment-making, designing, embroidery, crocheting, knitting, needle work by D. Christner (1885)

The lace & embroidery collector, a guide to collectors of old lace and embroidery - R. E. Head (1922)

The ladies' complete guide to crochet, fancy knitting, and needlework - A. S. Stephens (1854)

The ladies' guide to needle work, embroidery, etc. - being a complete guide to all kinds of ladies' fancy work - S. A. Frost (1877)

The ladies' hand book of fancy and ornamental work - F. Hartley (1860)

The ladies' hand book of needle work - Shillito, John, & co. (1879)

The Ladies' self instructor in millinery and mantua making, embroidery and appliqué, canvas-work, knitting, netting, and crochet-work by unknown author (1853)

The ladies' work-table book - containing clear and practical instructions in plain and fancy needlework, embroidery, knitting, netting, and crochet - T. Philipson (1852)

The Ladies' world embroidery book - H. Purdy (1915)

The lady's album of fancy work consisting of novel, elegant and useful designs in knitting, netting, crochet and embroidery (1849)

The lady's manual of fancy work - a complete instructor in every variety of ornamental needle-work, including applique - M. Pullan (1859)

The needle workers' guide without a teacher - A. P. Potts (1895)

The new lace embroidery (Punto tagliato) With 34 illustrations - L. A. Tebbs (1905)

The one-eyed weaver - being an information concerning the versatility of the needle (1897)

The Priscilla filet crochet book, no. 2 ; a collection of beautiful designs in filet crochet, introducing filet crochet brodé, embroidery on crochet and cameo crochet - F. W. Kettelle (1914)

The Priscilla Hardanger book - a collection of beautiful designs in Hardanger embroidery - N. Brown (1909)

The Priscilla needlework book - Priscilla publishing company (1908)

The Priscilla netting book, containing full directions for making square and circular netting, and for the various stitches with which netting is ornamented - B. Robinson (1914)

The self-instructor in silk knitting, crocheting and embroidery (1884)

The story of silk and embroidery - Brainerd & Armstrong Co. (1888)

The successful embroidery shop - a book that deals with art needlework as a business - G. Von Horvath (1917)

The Twentieth century pattern book for Norwegian lace and embroidery by E. H. Silljan (1908)

The work box and needle - unknown author (1886)

Things girls like to do - E. H. Gilman (1917)

Three hundred decorative and fancy articles for presents, fairs, etc., etc. - with directions for making  and nearly one hundred decorative designs - L. P. Hale (1885)

Trims and edgings (1875)

Wallachian embroidery - Priscilla publishing company (1908)

Wasch- Bleich- Platt- und Nach-Buch, zum Selbstunterricht für Damen, welche sich mit diesen Arbeiten beschäftigen - J. F. Netto (1796)

Weldon's antique tapestry - Weldon's Ltd. (1920)

Weldons flower embroidery - Weldons Ltd. (1900)

Weldons needlework old & new - Weldons Ltd. (1900)

Woman's handiwork in modern homes - C. C. Harrison (1881)

Wool stitchery - O. Tod (1908)

Zeichen- Mahler- und Stickerbuch zur Selbstbelehrung für Damen, welche sich mit diesen Künsten beschäftigen - J. F. Netto (1795)



An absolute must for anyone with an interest in embroidery, needlework and fancy handicrafts – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices.


For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the DVD if requested.


Please note that this is a data DVD disc that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but will NOT work on a normal DVD player, X-Box or audio CD player.



** Main photo is for illustration purposes only – other photos are example pages from the books included on the disc **


Please check our other items for lots more rare specialist handicraft book collections including:

-         The Knitting & Sewing Collection

-         The Antique Lace & Lace Making Collection

-         The Vintage Dressmaking Collection

-         The Gentleman’s Tailoring Collection

-         The Weaving & Textile Design Collection

& lots more!



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