20 Daniel Boone Family Death Certificates, Amazing Research Documents!!

Daniel Boone is still a legend and for good reason. He blazed many trails across a young, wild America. Now you can have a piece of Daniel Boone's history by getting your very own Daniel Boone family death certificates!!!!! PLUS, you get 2 super nice 4x6 inch photo reproductions of Daniel Boone. Really great.   

DEATH CERTIFICATES copies each measure 8 1/2 x 11 inches and contain tons of information about the family members including date of birth, date of death, cause of death, state and county and city of death, father’s name, mother’s maiden name (usually) cemetery buried in, occupation at time of death and many, many other interesting facts about the deceased.  Really cool.  See the examples below!!!

In this offer you will get 20 death certificate copies as follows:

Viola C. (Howell) Slaughter g-g-granddaughter of Daniel Boone (and husband of the great Texas John Horton Slaughter), died 1941

Lorance Nathan Boone g-grandson of Daniel Boone , died 1912

James Alonzo Howell g-g-grandson of Daniel Boone ,  died 1936

Icilius Archibald Bryan  grandson of Daniel Boone,  died 1917

Stonewall Jackson Howell g-g-grandson  of Daniel Boone, died 1889

Sarah (Zumwalt) Jump g-g granddaughter of Daniel Boone, died 1916

Marquist De Lafayette Benson g-g grandson of Daniel Boone, died 1931

Daniel Berry Hays  g-g grandson of Daniel Boone,  died 1910

Huron Burt g-g-grandson of Daniel Boone, died 1915

George R. Shobe g-grandson of Daniel Boone, died 1945 in St. LouisMO

Asa Lloyd Callaway g-g-g-g-g grandson of boone, died 1933

Larkin H Callaway, g-grandson, died 1925

Laura Armstead (Hughes)Peters, g-g granddaughter, died 1934

George T Scholl, g-g grandson of Boone, died 1922 in St. Louis,  MO

Mary C (Boone) Hosman, Granddaughter of Daniel Boone  died 1914 in Ashgrove, MO

Alfred M McGowan,  g-grandson, died 1939 in Jackson Co, MO

Robert Linville Hughes, g-g-grandson, died in 1937

Jesse Boone Scholl. g-grandson, died in 1919

Emily New Ross (Scholl) g-g-granddaughter, died in 1926

Mary Elizabeth Kyger (Scholl), g-g-granddaughter, died in 1938

I have never seen this kind of historical offering on ebay except RIGHT HERE!

These direct descendants of Daniel Boone lived and died in various states including Missouri and Arizona.

THESE ARE SPECIAL DOCUMENTS!!!!  Absolutely WONDERFUL records obtained from the state in which they each passed.

Documents will be shipped carefully in flat 9x12 envelope for extra protection.