Graff Etch was created to combine graffiti art and barber etchings. Hair Art was once considered a fad but has now become as main stream as tattoos.  When barbers and stylists create hair art, they are creating a design in the hair with their trimmers & razors. These designs can be geometric, sports and company logos, cartoon characters and even famous faces.  The artists that design hair art are incredibly talented.  Some barbers and stylists use their imagination or have a vision in their mind, some duplicate from pictures and advertising materials. GraffEtch color pencils are used to color in the designs to make them stand out.  GraffEtch pencils were created for newly shaved sensitive skin. They are not ordinary eyeliner pencils. They were specially formulated to apply on a tender scalp, the face, body and on short hair. The colors are blend able so any color you need can be created from the 16 total colors.  Each box contains 8 pencils, a poster and a sharpener is built into each cap. There are 5 styles to choose from.  Use these pencils to pre-draw your design before etching them out.  You can fill in hair lines, beards and create sharp angles. GraffEtch has the proper combination of texture, long lasting wear and ease of application. They apply creamy smooth, won’t drip down if you sweat and will stay-put until washed out with shampoo or a cleanser. Graff Etch pencils were created because barbers and stylists needed proper tools to be more creative. It's a fun and temporary way to express yourself.