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Before you is an Iranian? iNDIAN? Mizrach artwork of embroidery.  20th century.
Depicts  the symbols of the 12 tribes on the upper line, Moses and Aaron with the background of the Ark of the Covenant, Menorah, Lions, Tablets,  and more. At the center is the verse “From the rising of the sun in the East till its sunset,  God’s name is glorified” (Psalms 113:3).
The design for this embroidery comes from an old late 19th Century lithographic print that was printed for the Jewish population in Germany or India (I have both of these prints).

Size: 65 x 92 INCHES!,  (frame will not be included) Very good condition.

Take a look HERE to see some of the rest of my JEWISH ART objects which you may enjoy.

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