Professional Instruments of ARMENIA

TWO (2) Armenian Professional DUDUKs  m

ade from Apricot Wood (in the keys of A and C) 

(also available in C, G, D, and  Bb)

with 4 (2 for each Duduk) TOP Quality LEATHER Protected Reeds and 2 LEATHER CASES (1 for each Duduk)


This Duduks are made by the Best Duduk Master and Player ABO (ALBERT POGHOSIAN)

Both Duduks and the Reeds are Double Tuned with "Korg" Professional Tuner and Double Tuned with Piano

REMEBER:  The Professional Reed of the Duduk Must have leather protection to ensure smooth sound and long life of the reed




 1. Professional ARMENIAN DUDUK in key of A made from Apricot Wood (Wood is aged for 5 years after cutting the 30 years old Apricot tree)

 2. Professional ARMENIAN DUDUK in key of C made from Apricot Wood (Wood is aged for 5 years after cutting the 30 years old Apricot tree)

 3. Four (4) Reeds, TOP  Quality LEATHER Strip Protected and Tuned REEDS

 4. LEATHER  CASE for the Duduk

 5. Duduk Playing                                           ----- (ELECTRONICALLY VIA EMAIL)

 6. Musical Notes for 30 Armenian Folk Songs ----- (ELECTRONICALLY VIA EMAIL)

 7. Duduk Maintanance Instructions -------------------(ELECTRONICALLY VIA EMAIL)

The instructions include                

- Table of Fingering of Duduk

- How to Conduct First Lessons

- Music Notation

- Signs of Alteration

- Information about Duduk

- Methodical Instructions

- Playing Positions with Illustrated Photos

- Tuning

- Developing Breathing

- Musical Notes, half notes, quarter notes and their positions

- Musical Explanations

- How to care and use the Reed

 -How to care and use the Duduk

The Duduks and Reeds of ABO are tuned in 440Mhz (range 435-445 Mhz). 



Shipping Costs:   35.95 Euros to Germany , and worldwide registered mail (estimated delivery  15 - 30 business days)

Our Reeds are the BEST quality and individually tuned for its corresponding key Duduk