Product name: Pomace Olive Oil  
 Processed method: cold pressed   

Pomace olive oil is an ingredient in many skin, hair and other cosmetic products. Soap makers use it to make mild, creamy soaps. It is common in hair conditioners, as well, because it coats the hair strands easily, protecting them from moisture loss and damage while adding shine. People also sometimes apply it to their skin to treat dryness and minor inflammation. Some individuals claim that it keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay, because it keeps the skin from losing too much water to the environment, thereby keeping cells nice and plump.

Other Uses

Olive pomace oil sometimes is used as a carrier in aromatherapy products or as a fuel in lamps. The industrial grades are used mainly as lubricants, although it sometimes is mixed into products. Some people also use it for cleaning, such as removing residue from grills. 

Health Benefits

For those looking for the most health benefits, extra virgin wins out. It is higher in antioxidants, which are substances that fight damage from free radicals. The fat composition of both products is very similar, however, containing roughly 10% saturated fat — the kind linked to heart disease — and 80% mono-unsaturated fat. It has a higher level of oleanolic acid, which experts think might relieve high blood pressure , hypertension and arthritis inflammation.

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