Our Fabric: 100% Polyester

Original Artist, Andy Treadwell, The Peoples Artist Blyth (facebook for info)

Comes in:

1. Our regular White (Popular for most things)
2. Ivory (only available on images that do not have a background colour such as Peter Isolated)
3. Lightweight available on any panel, if it's not in the dropdown please leave me a note saying *Lightweight* :)
4. Silky Polyester, a bit like the expensive under slips, available on request only, it's floppy and lightweight white.

Sizes: Our "Image" sizes are: 4x4, 8x8, 12x12, 16x16 inches of course there are exceptions on some drop down lists, 
namely someone may want 10 inch image on a 16" panel, if you need something like this please contact me :)


1.  4x4 inches  (Image size) - excess fabric roughly half an inch to an inch (sometimes more)
2.  8x8 inches  (Image size) - excess fabric roughly half an inch to an inch (sometimes more)
3. 12x12 inches (Image size) - excess fabric roughly half an inch to an inch (sometimes more)
4. 16x16 inches (Image size) - excess fabric roughly half an inch to an inch (sometimes more)
5. 60cm x 40cm (or 40x60cm) is the image size, again there is roughly half to an inch around of excess, sometimes more.

You may wish a 6x6 image on an 8x8 panel, please leave me a note, if for example you wanted a
6" image on a 16 inch peace of fabric, also let me know, this one would require you to purchase 
the 16" panel and so on, 6x6 on a 12 inch panel, anything is possible, chat to me :)

6. 21 inch x 21 inch (usually for upholstery or other) still has the 16x16 inch print but excess white for the pulling around chairs etc.
PLEASE NOTE THIS FABRIC IS NOT (uk FR) it's 100% Polyester, you need a coating for the UK, check your own counties fire regs.
THIS IS CHAIRS cushions do not come under the regs.

While we try to ensure that our images are as they are meant to be, be aware some monitors will vary.

The Ivory fabric, is a base colour therefore your image will slightly alter on the ivory as it will 
change colours due to being ivory on the base.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Yes, :) we can print your own images, please make sure they are clear
as with this sort of thing, what you see is what you get, I can't invent ears :D
or tails, or missing paws :) but If there is a ball or brick or worse I can take out
a rogue element for you. You can add your image in a message. Please though we get snowed
under and we can at a normal time go through 50 meters of fabric a week, equating to thousands
of panels, please be patient I will get it done as fast as humanly possible :)

My panels are 300dpi so bear in mind if your image is a camera phone image, that is basically
like trying to fit a stamp on a two story house, try and make your images at least 120dpi 
you can do good setting on the camera phones *sorry camera phone shy I have no clue*
but I will always let you know if the image is bad.

For memorial type images, I will try my very best to make you happy and try hard to
get your beloved pet or person on a panel as clear as I can.

Yes I can put names on at least 80% of the images, if you can see an obvious place
on a panel then it can be done. Just message always happy to have a chat about it.

Any problems I will sort out asap, drop me a message feel free to tell me I'm daft. :)


Postage times will always vary, but my posting days are as follows:

Monday -    Printing Day Ready for Tuesday (yes it can take from 7am to 11pm at night sometimes)- I will generate labels as well
Tuesday -   Printing, Packing and posting our post lady picks up our sacks at 2pm
Wednesday - Printing Day ready for Thursday, labels generated, and packed shipped at 2pm
Thursday -  Printing, Generating Labels, Packing, custom designs.
Friday -    Printing, Packing, pulling hair out Royal Mail picks up at 12pm.
Saturdays - We do not work, except Nov-December due to the holiday rush
Sunday -    We do not work, except Nov-December due to the holiday rush

Times... we have longer times on our listings for one reason and that is not to disanoint our customers,
we give this extended time just in case a machine breaks down, which is rare, but if it did it would give
us those two days to get a new machine in and back to normal, this is very rare but has occurred twice in a year,
so this is the only reason for those times, most of the time, they go out as above.

Shipping: Etsy wording on shipping is incorrectly done, it should say, processing day and shipping days
are not the same, I know a lot get upset which is :( because they get a bit confused with processing day
and shipping day, so the above days might help better in this confusion, If you put your order in on a Friday
after 11am then that is going to sit with me until Tuesday  (printed on Monday Royal mail picks up on Tuesday)
(unless Christmas times of course as above) Royal Mail
does not work weekends and their Saturday has now been cut as well (sigh) so you can see the problem and sadness that
could cause, so please be aware.