106748 AC-Top Fighter Joins TAC-Here is the first aerial photo of the Tactical Air Command’s new F-104C Starfighter. Holder of the world’s speed title (1404 m.p.h.) and altitude mark (91,243 feet), the F-104 has in-flight refueling provisions which give Lockheed’s ultrasonic Starfighter globe-circling range for its assignments with TAC’s Composite Air Strike Forces. The Starfighter is armed with General Electric T-171 Vulcan cannon. Fastest-firing machine gun in the world, the six-barreled 20mm. Vulcan’s rate of fire is 6000 rounder per minute (that’s 100 per second). The dart-like and cleaver winged F-104C can carry a variety of external stores, including atomic bombs. First TAC Starfighter are assigned to the 831st Air Division at George AFB, near Victorville, California.

U.S. Air Force Photo

Photo measures 10 x 8 inches.

Additional information found on this plane:

"F-104C "FG-883" (56-0883) 479 TFW George AFB 1958

F-104C, construction number 183-1171, model 183-93-02, US serial number 56-0883, built by Lockheed
 first flight June 17, 1958; delivery date September 17, 1958
September 1958 to AF Flight Test Center (Air Research and Development Command), Edwards AFB, CA
first F-104C delivered to George AFB 479th TFW; (deployments to Moron AB, Spain and Hahn AB, Germany)
436th TFS crashed September 20, 1965 operating out of DaNang AB, attached to 6252nd TFW
Capt Phillip Eldon Smith (POW) was shot down by a Shenyang J-6 (PRC MiG-19S) on an Armed Escort mission
he lost the orientation during flight, got shot down by gunfire from a Mig-19 flown by Chinese Navy pilot Gao Xiang over Hainan Island, North Vietnam
POW and was returned by the Chinese after the hostilities on March 15, 1973 after seven and a half years as a prisoner of war (POW)
Stanley C2 seat; written off."

Box J119-A