Angel Guardian House Prayer 
Ангел Хранитель 

Молитва о Благословении Дома.
Сделана из дерева и с другой стороны магнит.

Текст молитвы выжжен на дереве

Prayer Translation
"God bless the one who enters this house. 
Protect and save the one who leaves it. 
And grant peace to the one who remains"

Размеры/size 6.5" x 3.3" x 0.3"

Сделанно в России
I usually ship within 1 business day and Saturdays. 
If your item is paid before 11AM PST it usually shipped same day.

I usually ship within 1 business day and Saturdays. If your item is paid before 11AM PST it usually shipped same day.