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This auction is for 3 copies of the BOOK OF ABRAHAM OF HEALING AND PROTECTION. This edition was especially made for the soldiers in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) to keep them away from harms way and to give them Healing AND Protection when they need it.
You can order up to 10 sets of 3 softcover copies which I have in stock. 

The Book of Abraham is just one part of the Mystical Book of Zohar which is especially conducive to Healing and Protection. The Mystical elements in this book make it an ideal conduit to bring down Forces of Energy which can help the owner.

This IDF edition (NOT AVAILABLE OR SOLD IN ANY STORES)  comes in an olive green cover, just like the color of the Israeli Army uniforms. These copies are BRAND NEW NEVER USED AND ARE IN MINT CONDITION. Buy 1 for yourself and the rest for friends and family members who are sure to appreciate it!


2 3/4 X 4 INCHES = 7.5 X 10CM

Each copy contains 143 pages and contains the entire Zohar Kabbalistic text for the portion of the Torah of Pinchas (Phineas). What is unusual about it is that it is printed with the letters that are used for a Torah scroll, ie Ktav Ashuri, or Assyrian script. The significance of this  is that in Jewish Mystical belief, this portion is known as the book of Healing which gives us the privilege and the opportunity to connect to the Light of healing and protection wherever we go. All that is required is  a worthy desire, the certainty of a trusting heart, and an open & receptive mind! This pocket sized edition was printed with the intention that anyone -be he/she Jew or Gentile- can benefit from the power contained in these words.






The Zohar is a book of great mystical power & wisdom. It is universally recognized as the definitive work on the Kabbalah; a wellspring of spiritual energy that literally brings blessings, protection and well being into the lives of all those who read or peruse its sacred texts! It was written in Aramaic (just like the Celestine Prophecies) by the great first century Sage, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

occult, magic, mysticism, esoteric, lucky charm, ,cabbalist, new age, bible, mystery, protection, talisman, angels, psychic healing, rabbi, rabbi's, angel, qabala, good luck, charm, wicca, hebrew, judaism,spanish, french, german = oculto, mágico, kabbalah, mysticism judío, encanto esotérico, afortunado, judaica, cabbalist, nueva edad, biblia, misterio, protección, talismán, ángeles, el curativo psíquico, rabino, rabinos, ángel, qabala, buena suerte, encanto, wicca, hebreo, judaísmo, occulte, magique, kabbalah, mysticisme juif, charme ésotérique et chanceux, judaica, cabbalist, nouvel âge, bible, mystère, protection, talisman, anges, curatif psychique, rabbin, rabbins, ange, qabala, bonne chance, charme, wicca, hébreu, judaism, geheimnisvoll, magisch, jüdisches Mystizismus, geheimer, glücklicher Charme,neues Alter, Bibel, Geheimnis, Schutz,Engel, psychisches Heilend, Rabbiner, qabala, gutes Glück, Charme, wicca, Hebräer, Judentum


This book was published by the Kabbalah Centre, it is unused and in mint condition. Just putting it in you pocket or purse or car will help you. They make great gifts for members of your family, student body or even a soldier serving in the Gulf or Afghanistan or even Portland, Washington or New York City! Wherever or whoever gets this will appreciate it!