HG - STAIN AWAY Textile No. 1 to 7 Removes & Cleans Stains from Fabric 50ml

HG Stain Away - Seven different bottles for a variety of problems

No stain can stand up to the HG stain away series because the 7 different stain removers each have their own specialist subject but together, they can beat any stain.

 The stain chart below shows which number in the stain away series you need to use for the various types of stains. The 7 different HG stain away specialists are simple to use but do have different methods of application. Therefore, remember to read the instructions on the packaging carefully.


All 7 different types available see table below:


NO. 1

Coffee, tea, cocoa, ketchup, mustard, jam, red wine, ink, as well as vegetables and fruit juice, urine, perspiration, curry and various perfumes

No. 2

Felt-tip pen, grease, oil, shoe polish as well as cooking oil, chip fat, oil and stickers and tip-pex etc

NO. 3

Candle wax, resin and tar

NO. 4

Sauce & gravy, spices, blood, milk, egg white as well as chocolate, mayonnaise, cream, wound discharge

NO. 5

Make-up, grass, pollen, marker pen, chewing gum as well as mascara, water-based paint, soil, clay, building sand and gravel

NO. 6

Ballpoint pen and stubborn coloring as well as beer and liquors

NO. 7

Rust as well as rust spots from tiles, paving stones, concrete, and non-calciferous natural stone


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