High Quality Lapis Luzuli Crystal Egg Afganistan Lapis 5.5 OZ 155 Grams. Lapis Lazuli which is a stone that has been mined and valued since 7th millenium B.C.E. It is a deep blue metamorphic stone. It is deep blue mottled with white calcite along with pyrite.  A stone with such an amazing history. King and Queens wore this stone as well as Pharoah's. Even King Tutankhamuns head dress contains Lapis Lazuli. The highest quality Lapis lazuli is found in Afganistan. The egg is a symbol of hope and purity. It symbolizes both fertility as well as the circle of life. In many ancient Asian cultures the egg is is a symbol of both weath and luck. Ancient civilizations believed the symbol of the egg sybolized the creation of the universe, believing that the Earth as well as the universe itself had been born from an egg. But if that were true what had layed that egg? Condition is New. Free shipping.