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Fabulous Prospera Jade Personal Massage Cushion

Product Description: Prosperas Jade Personal Massage Cushiondelivers the healing power of jade in a soothingmassage session. With its double pair ofkneading heads and two serpentine Xiuyanjade stones, the Jade Personal MassageCushion can be used on the neck, shoulders,back, thighs, calves and more.Jade is rich incalcium, magnesium and ironessentialminerals for the body. The kneadingmechanism delivers rotating andspot shiatsu massage directly to yourspots of tension. Each of the four massageheads gives a deep tissue Shiatsu massage,helping loosen tight muscles by encouragingblood flow.You can use one of two automatedmassage programs or apply the massagemanually. Speed is adjustable. This is aperfect personal massager for both the homeand offic