The Surge Buster SB815 Tank Baffle Ball is a retrofittable liquid surge control system that is dropped inside a tank to provide the maximum degree of operational safety when transporting liquid loads. 

This tie down system for liquid cargo helps prevent a standing wave from forming by converting the directional momentum to a series of swirls and eddies throughout the tank to prevent surging while liquid cargo is transported, stabilizing the liquid. While creating this effect, virtually no directional surge (kinetic energy) can be produced. This results in the creation of an agitation system in the tank to help keep liquids in suspension. 

Surge Busters practically eliminate 96% of all directional surge in any liquid load from all angles - both front to rear and side to side - throughout the entire tank, providing over 1000 directions of energy deflection. The unique and flexible design permits the Surge Busters to absorb energy in every direction, dissipating energy within the tank, which is helpful in rollover situations. 

Traditional baffle systems rely on blocking the surge and transferring it through the truck to the tank, offering no protection in rollover situations. Since unstable loads are dangerous, Surge Busters provide the liquid load hauler with a safer load, reduced stress and fatigue in the driver, a 30-40% reduction in vehicle maintenance costs, and longer tank life. 

Surge Busters are most beneficial when braking and accelerating, cornering, and on slopes, helping to prolong tank life, air ride shocks, torque arm bushings, drive lines, brakes, tires, and more. Works for all liquid loads, including water, milk, army surplus tanks, and other liquid load haulers.

  • Surge Buster SB815 Tank Baffle Ball
  • Fits 15" and higher tank openings
  • Works with hot or cold loads 
  • FDA approved for food grade loads
  • 1 Surge Buster is good for every 32 gallons (takes up 0.8% of tank volume / 8 gallons per 1000 gallons)
  • Works on all tank shapes (round, square, elliptical) made of stainless, aluminum, poly, fiberglass, etc.