Archetypes for earth, water, fire, air, and space. In between the Goddesses are the moon cycle, and the creatures of the earth: birds and insects, reptiles, fish, and animals, honoring all the varieties of beings, all our relations. 4 " Round; Printed both sides.

Air Goddess (East, Spring): a winged maiden flies free with a triple spiral, symbol of eternal life energy cycles, colors are yellow and blue.

Fire Queen (South, Summer): She lights up a pentacle, symbol of power and protection, holding an arc of light, a power point within her solar plexus. Colors are red, orange, yellow.

Water Goddess (West, Fall): A double tailed mermaid in front of a mandorla, symbol of the feminine and sexuality. Colors are blue, black, green.

Earth Mother (North, Winter): This round Mother sits within the circle and diamond of the earth, with crystals around her. Colors are white, black, brown, red.

Ether/Inner Space Goddess (center, Eternity): sits in meditation, energy spiraling deep within, in the Cosmic Circle of creation. Colors black, purple.