

A truly unique and wonderful collection of almost 150 rare, out-of-print books, catalogs and guides compiled together for the first time on one USB flash drive covering all aspects of MEDALS, INSIGNIA & DECORATION.


From the medals of Ancient Rome to the decorative war medals of America and Great Britain, this vast collection has it all. Discover the various medals of the world's armed forces and how they were won. Study the orders, decorations and insignia, both military and civil from around the world as well as their history and origins. Read the stories of those distinguished men and women who were awarded medals for bravery and honour. Learn about the medallic history of Rome, the United States, Britain and much more!!

Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material for any collector or military enthusiast. Overall, this is an absolute must for any collector or indeed anyone with an interest in medals, numismatics and military insignia and uniform. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


This superb compilation of 149 vintage books provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English with several additional texts  other languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish (see the full list below).


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

Books in English Language:

A description of the series of medals struck at the National medal mint by order of Napoleon Bonaparte - J. C. Laskey (1818)

A guide to the Department of coins and medals in the British museum - G. F. Hill (1922)

A list of medals, jettons, tokens, etc. in connection with printers and the art of printing - W. Blades (1869)

American decorations - a list of awards of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Distinguished-Service Cross and the Distinguished-Service Medal. (1921)

American orders & societies and their decorations by J. Hood (1917)

An index to the coins and medals of the cabinet of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia (1891)

An index to the coins and medals of the cabinet of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia (1895)

Architectura numismatica; or, Architectural medals of classic antiquity - T. L. Donaldson (1859)

Army and navy information - uniforms, organizations, arms and equipment of the warring powers by D. W. C. Falls (1917)

Army and navy uniforms and insignia - how to know rank, corps and service in the military and naval forces of the United States and foreign countries by D. Williams (1918)

Army uniforms of the world by F. G. Blakeslee (1919)

Badges and their meaning - unknown author (1916)

British military & naval medals and decorations by J. H. Gibson (1880)

British war medals and other decorations, military and naval - J. H. Gibson (1866)

Catalogue of gold, silver, copper, brass, bronze and porcelain coins and medals - composed of the well known collections of Dr. Spiers and C. T. Ward, Jr. (1909)

Catalogue of the collection of Greek, Roman and English coins - E. J. M. Chaloner (1895)

Catalogue of the extensive and valuable James Ten Eyck numismatic collection of rare coins and medals of the world (1922)

Catalogue of the magnificent collection of American colonial coins, historical and national medals ... Canadian coins and metals, etc. - G. Parsons (1914)

Catalogue of the medals of Scotland from the earliest period to the present time - R. W. Cochran-Patrick (1884)

Catalogue of the valuable cabinet of Greek, Roman and medieval foreign coins and medals of the late Thomas Thomas (1844)

Chats on military curios by S. C. Johnson (1915)

Coins and medals - G. F. Hill (1920)

Coins and medals - their place in history and art - S. Lane-Poole (1892)

Coins, medals, and seals - ancient and modern - W. C. Prime (1861)

Coins, tokens and medals of the Dominion of Canada - A. Sandham (1869)

Congressional medal of honor - United States War Dept. (1920)

Crow's Nest - Issue 1

Crow's Nest - Issue 2

Crow's Nest - Issue 3

Crow's Nest - Issue 4

Crow's Nest - Issue 6

Crow's Nest - Issue 8

Crow's Nest - Issue 9

Crow's Nest - Issue 10

Crow's Nest - Issue 11 (draft issue)

Crow's Nest - Issue 11

Crow's Nest - Issue 12

Crow's Nest - Issue 13

Crow's Nest - Specialty & Distinguishing Marks

Deeds of valor; how America's heroes won the Medal of Honor Vols. 1 & 2 - W. F. Beyer (1901)

Description of a selection of coins and medals relating to America - W. S. Appleton (1870)

Dress and insignia worn at His Majesty's court, issued with the authority of the lord chamberlain - H. A. P. Trendell (1921)

Edwards's military catalogue by F. Edwards (1907)

Emblems of service, Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State (1918)

Five Roman gold medallions, or, Multiple solidi of the late Empire - A. B. Brett (1921)

Gold war medals awarded to British military & naval forces from Elizabeth to Victoria by J. L. Whalley (1888)

Guide to the numismatic collection of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia, Pa (1913)

Handbook on the British Army (1921)

History of the orders of knighthood of the British Empire ... and of the medals, clasps, and crosses, conferred for naval and military services by N. Nicolas (1842)

International medallic exhibition of the American Numismatic Society, opening on the twelfth of March, 1910. Catalogue (1910)

Italian medals - C. Von Fabriczy (1904)

Medallic history of Napoleon - A. L. Millin (1819)

Medallic illustrations of the history of Great Britain and Ireland to the death of George II Vols. 1 & 2 - E. Hawkins (1885)

Medals and decorations of the British army and navy Vols. 1 & 2 - J. H. Mayo (1897)

Medals and medallions - Civil War Commemorative Medals (1921)

Medals and publications of the American numismatic society - B. L. Belden (1915)

Medals of honor awarded for distinguished service during the war of the rebellion by F. H. Stafford (1886)

Medals of honor by J. Hopper (1921)

Medals of honor issued by the War department, up to, 1897, with laws, orders, and regulations relative to the medal, the ribbon to be worn with the medal (1897)

Medals of the British navy and how they were won - W. H. Long (1895)

Medals of the Roman pontiffs from Martin v., 1417, to Pius IX., 1870 (1882)

Medals, coins, great seals, and other works of Thomas Simon - G. Vertue (1780)

Memoirs of the generals, commodores, and other commanders, who distinguished themselves...and who were presented with medals by Congress, for their gallant services by T. Wyatt (1848)

Mexican imperial coinage; the medals and coins of Augustine I (Iturbide), Maximilian, the French invasion, and of the republic during the French intervention - B. Betts (1899)

Military And Naval Recognition Book - A Handbook On The Organization, Uniforms And Insignia Of Rank Of The World's Armed Forces by J. W. Bunkley (1918)

Numismata Cromwelliana or, The medallic history of Oliver Cromwell, illustrated by his coins, medals, and seals - H. W. Henfrey (1877)

Orders, decorations and insignia, military and civil; with the history and romance of their origin and a full description of each by R. E. Wyllie (1921)

Papers relative to the regalia of Scotland by W. Bell (1829)

Popular illustrated guide to Canadian coins, medals, etc. - P. N. Breton (1912)

Portrait medals of Italian artists of the Renaissance - G. F. Hill (1912)

Record of medals of honor issued to the officers and enlisted men of the United States navy, Marine corps and Coast guard, United States Navy Dept. (1921)

Regulations and decisions pertaining to the uniform of the Army of the United States - United States War Dept. (1897)

Regulations for the uniform and dress of the Army of the United States, 1861 - United States War Dept (1861)

Regulations for the uniform of the United States Army - United States War Dept. (1912)

Regulations governing the uniform and equipments of officers and enlisted men of the United States Marine Corps - United States Marine Corps (1900)

Report of the Committee on relics - uniforms of women worn during the war (1922)

Roman medallions in the British museum - H. A. Grueber (1874)

Syracusan medallions and their engravers in the light of recent finds - A. Evans (1892)

The ABC of war medals and decorations by W. A. Steward (1918)

The book of orders of knighthood and decorations of honour of all nations - B. Burke (1858)

The commemorative medal in the service of Germany by G. F. Hill (1917)

The English regalia by C. Davenport (1897)

The Indiana medal - commemorating the completion of a century of statehood, 1816-1916 - J. Scudder (1916)

The Medal Collector A Guide to Naval, Military, Air-Force, and Civil Medals and Ribbons - S. C. Johnson (1921)

The medallic history of imperial Rome Vols. 1 & 2 - W. Cooke (1781)

The medallic history of the United States of America, 1776-1876 Vols. 1 & 2 - J. F. Loubat (1878)

The medals of our fighting men by S. C. Johnson (1921)

The medals of the masonic fraternity described and illustrated - W. T. R. Marvin (1880)

The national medals of the United States. A paper read before the Maryland historical society, March 14, 1887 - R. M. McSherry (1887)

The science of gems, jewels, coins, and medals, ancient and modern - A. Billing (1867)

The service and its insignia - Bailey, Banks & Biddle Company (1917)

Their glory cannot fade; this souvenir, illustrating the insignia of the Canadian Army, is a simple tribute to the Canadian soldiers who went overseas (1918)

Thirty Canadian V. C s.  23rd April 1915 to 30th March 1918 (1918)

Tokens of the eighteenth century - W. Longman (1916)

Uncle Sam's fact book of the world war (1918)

Uncle Sam's Medal of Honor - T. F. Rodenbough (1886)

Uniform and dress of the army of the Confederate States - S. Cooper (1861)

Uniform Of The Army Of The United States - United States Army (1886)

Uniforms Of Seven Allies - United States. Department of the Army (1921)

Uniforms of the American Marines; including the uniform of the Colonial American Marines, 1740- by E. N. McClellan (1921)

War medals and decorations issued to the British military and naval forces and allies 1588 to 1910 by D. H. Irwin (1910)

War medals and their history by W. A. Steward (1915)

War medals of the British army, and how they were won by T. Carter (1893)


Books in Foreign Languages:

Lud. Smids. M.D. Emblemata heroica, of, De medalische sinnebeelden der ses en dertigh graaven van Holland (1712)

Album militaire - unknown author (1800)

Collection de plombs historiés trouvés dans la Seine et recueillis par Arthur Forgeais (1866)

Dictionnaire historique des ordres de chevalerie - H. Gourdon de Genouillac (1860)

Histoire du roy Louis le Grand, par les medailles, emblêmes, deuises, jettons, inscriptions, armoiries, et autres monumens publics - C. F. Menestrier (1691)

Histoire metallique de la republique de Hollande Vols. 2 & 3 - P. Bizot (1688)

La science des medailles antiques et modernes - pour l'instruction des personnes qui s'appliquent à les connoître - L. Jobert (1717)

Les jetons de l'échevinage parisien - A. Daffrey de la Monnoye (1878)

Les médailles romaines de Christine de Suède - C. Bildt (1908)

Les médailleurs de la renaissance - A. Heiss (1883)

Les médailleurs italiens des quinzième et seizième siècles Vol. 1 & 2 - A. Armand (1883)

Les médailleurs italiens des quinzième et seizième siècles Vol. 3 - A. Armand (1883)

Maniere de discerner les medailles antiques de celles, qui sont contrefaites - G. Beauvais (1794)

Nouvelles recherches sur la science des medailles, inscriptions, et hieroglyphes antiques - L. Poinsinet de Sivry (1778)

Oeuvre du chevalier Hedlinger, ou, Recueil des medailles de ce celebre artiste, gravées en taille douce (1778)

Remarques historiques sur les medailles et les monnoyes - J. D. Kohler (1740)

Souvenirs numismatiques de la Révolution de 1848  - L. Saulcy (1848)

Die deutschen Medailleure des 16. Jahrhunderts - G. Habich (1916)

Die Wiedererweckung der Medaille - A. Lichtwark (1897)

Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance - C. Von Fabriczy (1903)

Plaketten, Medaillen, Siegel - A. Lorcher (1900)

Aquila vaga, sub qua ex diuersis nationibus et familijs a VVilhelmo Hollando vsquè ad Sigismundum Lutzelburgium occidentis imperatorem XXXIX - G. Palazzi (1679)

Dichiarazioni della pianta dell'antiche Siracuse, e d'alcune scelte medaglie d'esse, e de' principi che quelle possedettero - V. Mirabella e Alagona (1613)

Emblemata anniversaria Academiae Altorfinae - stvdiorvm ivventvtis exercitandorvm cavsa proposita et variorvm orationibvs exposita (1597)

I medaglioni romani, descritti ed illustrati da Francesco Gnecchi Vols. 1 & 2 (1912)

I piombi antichi - F. Ficoroni (1740)

Introduzione alla storia della pratica delle medaglie - C. Patin (1673)

Sylloge numismatum elegantiorum - J. J. Luck (1620)

Skarbiec i archiwum koronne w dobie przedjagielloskiej - O. Balzer (1917)

Nagrudnye znaki Russkoi Armii - S. Andolenko (1966)

Disertación sobre las medallas desconocidas españoles - I. Pérez de Sarrió y Paravisino (1800)

Monetario americano (ilustrado) clasificado - A. A. Rosa (1892)

Museo militar; historia del ejército español - Vols. 1 - 3 - F. Barado y Font (1880)


An absolute must for anyone with an interest in medals, insignia and military uniform – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices.


For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the USB drive if requested.



Please note that this is a portable USB drive that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but cannot be connected to a normal DVD player / TV, X-Box or audio CD player.



** Main photo is for illustration purposes only – other photos are example pages from the books included on the USB drive **


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