Aircraft Information  Manual


FAR §21.5(a) mandates all aircraft "Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight  Manual and having no flight time before March 1, 1979, the holder of a type  certificate (including amended or supplemental type certificates) or the  licensee of a type certificate must make available to the owner at the time of  delivery of the aircraft a current approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight  Manual."

In short, all aircraft that were sold as new as of that date must have a  serial number-specific manual applicable to that specfic airframe. The manual  must be issued directly from the manufacturer with the serial number shown on  the cover page with an authorized signature an the agent of the Federal Aviation  Administration.

The Airplane Information Manuals we sell does not satisfy this mandates. The  manufacturer is the ONLY source for the serial number-specif Airplane Flight  Manual. We may assist as requested in obtaining this manual. The typical cost  may vary from a few hundred to well over a thousand dollars. The reason for this  high cost is to cover the creation of the manual as well as the manufacturer's  liability attached in its creation.

A Bit of Education on Flight Manuals!

Frequently, the terminalogy of flight manuals is tossed around and confused  by most pilots, instructors and even those writing them.

An example of the "POH" might be a manual package or case which includes the  Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) and a manual for the Garmin G1000 or other  equipment manual which may be required to be on board.

With exception of older manuals prior to the min-1970s they are laid out in a very  specific order shown as follows:

14 CFR §21.5 — Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual.

(a) With each airplane or rotorcraft not type certificated with an Airplane  or Rotorcraft Flight Manual and having no flight time before March 1, 1979, the  holder of a type certificate (including amended or supplemental type  certificates) or the licensee of a type certificate must make available to the  owner at the time of delivery of the aircraft a current approved Airplane or  Rotorcraft Flight Manual.

(b) The Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual required by paragraph (a) of  this section must contain the following information:

(1) The operating limitations and information required to be furnished in an  Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual or in manual material, markings, and  placards, by the applicable regulations under which the airplane or rotorcraft  was type certificated.
(2) The maximum ambient atmospheric temperature for which engine cooling was  demonstrated must be stated in the performance information section of the Flight  Manual, if the applicable regulations under which the aircraft was type  certificated do not require ambient temperature on engine cooling operating  limitations in the Flight Manual.
[Amdt. 21-46, 43 FR 2316, Jan. 16, 1978, as amended by Amdt. 21-92, 74 FR  53385, Oct. 16, 2009]
Additionally, the current edition of Advisory Circular AC 25.1581-1 may apply. Find that AC on the FAA web site.  This Advisory Circular provides guidelines mandating how the Aircraft Flight  Manual must be assembled and in what order.