Thank you for checking out one of our many great listings at kimberlygood07. We just got a huge collection of vintage government reports/documents. Many of which are from the late 1800's. Please e-mail us any questions before bidding. 

Condition: Used- Disbound and some staining

Date: March 24, 1890

Topic: Pension to Valeria B. Elliott

Other information: The claimant's late husband, General Washington Elliot, deceased, was upon the 27th of May, 1846, and after serving three years as a cadet at West Point, appointed second lieutenant , Mounted Rifles, U.S Army; promoted to first lieutenant July 20. 1847; captain Third Cavalry July 20 1854, and major First Cavalry November 5, 1861. He served as as colonel Second Iowa Cavalry from December 11, 1861 to June 29, 1862 and was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers June 11 1862 he was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel First Cavalry August 31, 1865  and colonel Third Cavalry April 4 1878...

Page(s): 1 page 

Size: 5 1/4 inches x 8 1/4 inches

Inventory: KGR #1